
Request 917678 accepted

- Update to 1.36.6
- Fix Archive FTP .zip filename not including monitor name. Fixes [#3304]
- Correct the size of the Longitude and Latitude fields. Fixes [\3311]
- Optimise API by optionally not loading the Frames from db table
- Handle the case when the monitor doesn't exist more gracefully and not crash. Fixes [#3316]
- Fix for export zip crashing due to including non existent files. Fixes [#3313]
- fix build for bionic due to missing libjwt-gnutls-dev
- fix linked monitors not working after a random period of time
- fix unimplemented viewing fps in live view.
- fix fps display in live view when paused
- Update Dark skin to look better
- fix styling of shutdown button making it invisible
- Support specifying the export filename by passing the export_root
- Turn on export functionality for snapshots
- fix save button on monitorprobe
- zmu may still output results even if it encounters errors, so continue even if we have an error return status from zmu.
- Allow specifying export Structure to get a flat zip
- Fix deleting snapshots
- When locking, use the results to reload the object fields fresh as they may have changed since the object was loaded.
Fixes Archived events losing their endtime.
- add export and download functions in snapshot.
- Add defaults for AutoMoveTo and AutoCopyTo so that we don't get false changes when saving filters.
Fix redirect after save. Re-null the Id of the filter object after temp execute so that we don't
reference a no longer existing filter.
- Change monitor->canView semantics so that a specified monitorId trumps the Monitors:None setting.
This is so that the console can be hidden, but the group dropdown still gets populated.
- When the selected layout is not freeform, calculate the ratio of computed size to stream source size
to calculate a value for scale. Should reduce cpu use and bandwidth from zms
- Fixed 'Call to undefined function Error()' in control_functions.php
- Only show thumbnail if Function is != None
- add autoplay tag. Fixes [#3343]
- Don't use AUTH_HASH_IPS when talking to zmu as it doesn't support that at this time.
- Fix PTZ Diagonal cmds. Fixes [#3300]
- add getMonitorStatuses function to return string values for status numbers
- Fix building SQL for ExistsInFileSystem PostCondition.
- Fix how we turn the rows into Event objects.
- Fix value handling in ExistsInFileSystem post condition.
- Add a 5 second timeout when setting suspending/resuming motion detection.Log errors appropriately
- If we fail to suspend/resume, assume we need to disconnect/reconnect to the mmap
- Fix usage summary in zmu, as there must be a space between -u and dbuser, etc
- documentation and readme updates, fixing dead links
- support for building with gitlab CI
- add support for ubuntu impish
- fixes in quoting default values in perl Monitor and Zone objects.
- Return early if packetqueue is empty instead of getting the lock. Return early in clear() if we are not initialised
- Make failure to resolve http remote monitors non fatal
- Fix errors due to not stopping the dbQueue in zmu. Fix crash when querying v4l devices
- LocalCamera: Add a missing include to fix FreeBSD build Fixes [#3330]
- fix errors reported during adding monitors due to missing Importance member in Monitor object
- Only suspend/resume motion detection if the monitor is doing motion detection
- Run spec-cleaner.
- Update to 1.36.5
- fix logout modal not appearing when too many sessions in
sessions table
- fix remote monitors not restarting when Function = None leaving
them running.
- fixes to onvif zooming [#3295]
- fix EndTime handling in Filters
- fix sorting of in progress events when sorting by EndDateTime
- Allow cakephp cache engine to be set during build
- remove code to control analysis fps that sleeps as it is no
longer relevent. Should help memory use.
- Move existing configuration in %posttrans to /etc/zoneminder
during update, not yet perfect because it needs manual restart.
- Update to 1.36.4
- Fix revision of CRUD in submodule
- Fix problems in zmstats.pl: Fix log deletion only ever deleting
100 entries when it should delete more in a loop. Add deleting
more than 100 sessions. Fix loop not terminating on Ctrl-C
- Add samesite when setting cookie for skin and css
- Default to UTC when no timezone set so that montagereview
continues working. Fixes [#3274]
- Fix bug in onvifprobe when specifying interface
- Remove 25x and 50x rate options in event view. Browsers do not
support them. Add 16x which is the max. Fixes [#3284]
- fix crash when in alert state with no event
- fix some queue clearing cases that cause hangs
- improve efficiency of getting packets from queue in decode thread.
- fix timestamping not being done on all recorded frames
- Fix renaming events [#3265]
- Changes from 1.36.3
- fix incorrect filename causing tmpfiles.d config to not be
installed for ubuntu focal and newer. Fixes [#3258]
- fix heap overflows causing crashes
- Apply height css to limit height of logout modal and apply
overflow:auto to add a scrollbar if needed so that we don't
have to scroll to logout.
- Changes from 1.36.2
- fix behaviour of reverse and fast forward buttons. [#3251]
- fix Cannot export events [#3250]
- fix missing jquery.js in exported zip
- fix DB log messages not being populated
- add redirect so that Yes I'd like to donate now goes to the
zoneminder donate page
- fix montagereview layout on firefox [#3249]
- updated Chinese Traditional and Hungarian languages
- fix build on debian stretch due to unsupported hwaccel code
- Allow [] characters in url to work with ipv6. Fixes [#3261]
- fix zm_update-1.28.99.sql to handle existence of other columns
in Controls table. [#3260]
- restore api behaviour for getting alarm status
- Changes from 1.36.1
- Image: Fix a dynamic-stack-buffer-overflow when filling polygons
- fix warnings not being displayed when saving a monitor [#3237]
- API Add Event_Summary model so that it is included in monitor
listing fixes [#3232]
- Fix API does not work correctly for alarm operations when using
username/password authentication [#3239]
- event view: Fix status of delete button when archived.
Change title to say that you can't delete due to archived
- fix compile on centos7
- fix buffer alignment. Fixes [#3233] Video writer incorrectly
encoding rotated monitor for h264/libx264
- fix packaging for hirsute
- Changes from 1.36.0
* Filters
- Moved event email options from global config to per Filter
- Added user to run filter as, so that users without access to
certain monitors can't just use a filter to access them.
- Filters now have PreSQL and PostSQL conditions. The first
Post SQL condition is ExistsInFileSystem. This can be used to
cleanup after a crash instead of using zmaudit.
- warnings on Filter edit page when you create a filter than
can delete archived events.
- Added Auto Unarchive function
* UI Updates
- bootstrap updated to version 3
- removed mootools
- events list now uses bootstrap-table to enable a more modern
powerful ui
- scaled thumbnail on mouseover on events list
- thumbnails with scaling on console
- frames view updates to include stats information
- many popups turned into modals
- monitor edit is now a full view instead of popup
- Zone edit is now scaled so high res cameras don't take the
entire screen or more.
- Added Estimated RAM use to Buffers tab in Monitors.
- Monitor edit no longer form submits/reloads between tabs it
just hides/unhides tabs using bootstrap nav.
- Monitors can now have Latitude/Longitude associated and
displayed on a map
* General
- New Monitor type VNC for recording desktops
- better use of scaling when streaming to reduce bandwidth/cpu use
- dynamic loading of vlc, curl and other libraries that might
not be used. Saves ram
- ONVIF probe can now select a network to scan
- Sessions now stored in database
- Event Summary tables reorganized to improve locking performance
- Clicking on username in header will now list other logged in
users if you have SystemView permission.
- ZoneMinder will now try other Storage Areas if it can't
create the event in the assigned area.
- New Monitor Setting: Decoding Enabled/Disabled
- /dev/shm mmap use decoupled from image buffering.
You should set ImageBufferCount to 3 or larger.
- mp4v2 deprecated and removed.
- zma process has been turned into a thread of zmc.
- Added second ffmpeg input stream for when audio is coming
from another source.
- added RTSP re-streaming
- hwaccel encoding support for intel vaapi and nvenc
- Use onmousedown/onmouseup for PTZ start/stop in PTZ controls.
Amcrest is the only Protocol that supports it so far.
- Move zoneminder config dirs from /etc and /etc/conf.d to
/etc/zoneminder and /etc/zoneminder/conf.d
- Rebase reload_config.patch.
- Dop move-include-sys-uio.h-outside-defined-BSD-block.patch,
because now in upstream.
- Update to 1.34.26
- Fix margin in ptz buttons
- Use > instead of >= to fix duplicated log entries display Fixes
- Fix colour shift when Zooming
- Fix errors in Amcrest_HTTP. Fixes [#3107]
- Fix warnings from zmaudit due to trying to update StorageId
to 0 when already 0.
- Changes from 1.34.25
Release to deal with ppa screwup.
No changes since 1.34.24
- Update to 1.34.24
- Upgrade cakephp to 2.10.24 which fixes php8
- Fix error in onvif PTZ script
- Fix to logging when not connected to db
- Fix disableAlarms button not working. Fixes [#3203]
- Add more state information to output of zmu -q
- Fix failure in settings action preventing brightness/etc
settings changes
- Fix auth timeout in montage and watch views
- Add more resolutions to resolution dropdown

- Fix zm_tempfiles.conf
Create directory in /run instead of /var/run.
- Update to 1.34.23
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.23
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.22
- Fix MP-Build (name conflict).
- Update to 1.34.21
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.21
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.20
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.19
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.18
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.17

- Update to version 1.34.16
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.16
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.15
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.14
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.13
- Fix privileges issue when starting zm_database_init in ExecStartPre.
- Update to version 1.23.12
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.12
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.11
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.10

- Update to version 1.34.9.
Changes see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.9
General changes for 1.34.x see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.0
- Change version.
- Try to fix unit file for newer systemd version
- Fix rundir from /var/run to /run
- Remove old unit file for 42.3
- correct wrong vhosts directory.
- Change install directory of apache vhost file.
- Added missing CakePHP-Enum-Behavior.
- Fix paths in config patch.
- Set user and group explicit.
- Added special unit file for 42.3.
- Added requirement for perl-JSON-MaybeXS.
- Update to version 1.32.3.
See https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.32.3
for full changelog.
- Fix broken patch for not defining config values twice.
- Update to version 1.32.1.
See https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.32.1
for full changelog.
- Require new zm_database_init version
- Fix zm.service file.
ZM failed to start with the following error message:
New main PID XXX does not belong to service, and PID file is not owned by root. Refusing.
Added User= and Group= as a fix for this issue
- Update to ZoneMinder 1.30.4
- Change to php7
- Added some missing directories for zmNinja
- Applay missing patch for ZM_VERSION already defined error.
- Fix missing ZM_VERSION
- Revert last change.
- Removed lame requirements.
- Remove obsolete section.
- Fix security permission problem for events and images.
- Removed obsolete Requires.
- Added missing sources.
- Updated to version 1.30.2
See https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/1.30.2
for a full description of changes.
- Cleanup of spec file for older discontinued versions.
- Changes for 42.2 packages.
- Eevert last change because it breaks custom states
- Fix web control start/stop/restart
- Fix montage view
- Fix dependencies to ffmpeg
- updated MP requirements for 42.1
- Added perl module dependencies for ONVIF.
- Fix wrong patch due to last change
- Fix order of update execution on startup/shutdown.
- Modified BuildRequired for MP Build
- Fix MP build
- Updated cambozola to latest version.
- Updated mootools to latest version.
- Update to version 1.30.0
* see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.30.0 for changes.
- Updated to version 1.29.0
* see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.29.0 for changes
- Load enable php5 apache module if not already enabled.
- fix patch.
- Chages for new ffmpeg api.
- change requirement for libffmpeg
- update to version 1.28.1
for full changelog look at https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.28.1
- update to version 1.28.0
for full changelog look at https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.28.0
- force rebuild
- ignore return value of usermod
- fix groupadd for suse < 12.3
- allow to set date format depending on language settings
- add wwrun to group video during installation to avoid
permission problems
- added patch to avoid ZM_VERSION already defined php error
- fix db escapes see http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22196
- use mb_strtolower when accessing translation files because of
utf-8 encoding. See http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22195
- added patch which fixes user defined language selection
- added patch to get xml view working again
- use build root when creating mysql config directory
- fix of directory install (used wrong syntax)
- set config no replace option for zm mysql configuration file
- added specialised mysql configuration file for zoneminder
places in my.cnf.d to disable default sql_mode
- added reload config patch
- add version to config file so that zm_database_init works again
- update to version 1.27.0
* A new skin!
* zmcamtool.pl
* Docker
* A new camera source type, libvlc.
* Better RTSP support! This fixed a regression in #221
* Fixed that annoying bug where you could create zones larger
than the image they belong to [b368d30]
* Better WansView camera detection support
- fix ZM_NO_FFMPGEG option
- added patches:
* fix_ZM_NO_FFMPGEG.patch
- modified patches:
* fix_perl_install.patch
* systemd_zm_control.patch
* zm.conf.patch
* zm_database_default_config.patch
* zmpkg_db_init.patch
- update to version 1.26.5
* Better RTSP support! This fixed a regression in #221
* Fixed that annoying bug where you could create zones larger
than the image they belong to [b368d30]
* Better WansView camera detection support
- add missing dependency
- switch to MMAP and enable it explicit
(see http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=82434#p82434)
- don't apply systemd patch for 11.4 builds
- don't call zmupdate.pl during zmpkg.pl
this is a task of zm_database_init
- set also ZM_PATH_BUILD to /usr/share/zm with patch
- disable mmap again
- update to ZoneMinder version 1.26.4
- disable mmap because zmtrigger.pl is not working with
mmap. See
- fix ffmpeg deprecated functions
- added patch from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=903063
- delete/insert config within transaction to prevent
invalid configuration reads by other processes.
- use systemd to start/stop/restart ZoneMinder via webfrontent.
Using zmpkg.pl from webfrontend confused systemd which then
showed a wrong state.

This behaviour is optional so new configuration option under
in system category was introduced.
- updated systemd unit file to use ZoneMinder PIDFile
Type is forking now instead of simple
- compile zoneminder with mmap enables
- applied patch for shared memory debug purpose
- use cast instead
- fix compile for 12.3 by using v4l enum type
found another one
- fix compile for 12.3 by using v4l enum type
- added unified uptime patch to fix uptime output
in webfrontend
- changed dependency from x264-devel to libx264-devel
- rebuild package due to changed ffmpeg libs
- fix file list
- added use of RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- added fix compile patch for gcc-4.7
- removed unneded BuildRequires
- remove last patch as it is a php configuration issue
- first try to fix hash auth, looking out for a better solution soon
- fix compile with newer ffmpeg versions
- added startup message again
- fixed name in requires: perl-PHP-Serialization
- removed obsolete entries in init file
- added perl-php-serialization to requires so that triggers are working
- corrected last patch
- ignore signals in ConfigAdmin module to prevent Config table corruption
- fix unit file
- don't restart on update beause on systemd it will be double executed which will break
the configuration table in database
- added restart section to unit file
- disable restart on update as it will break the Config table ind database (why?)
- added automake to build requires
- clean up old changes section
- added missing file
- fix in changelog file

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

- Update to 1.36.6
- Fix Archive FTP .zip filename not including monitor name. Fixes [#3304]
- Correct the size of the Longitude and Latitude fields. Fixes [\3311]
- Optimise API by optionally not loading the Frames from db table
- Handle the case when the monitor doesn't exist more gracefully and not crash. Fixes [#3316]
- Fix for export zip crashing due to including non existent files. Fixes [#3313]
- fix build for bionic due to missing libjwt-gnutls-dev
- fix linked monitors not working after a random period of time
- fix unimplemented viewing fps in live view.
- fix fps display in live view when paused
- Update Dark skin to look better
- fix styling of shutdown button making it invisible
- Support specifying the export filename by passing the export_root
- Turn on export functionality for snapshots
- fix save button on monitorprobe
- zmu may still output results even if it encounters errors, so continue even if we have an error return status from zmu.
- Allow specifying export Structure to get a flat zip
- Fix deleting snapshots
- When locking, use the results to reload the object fields fresh as they may have changed since the object was loaded.
Fixes Archived events losing their endtime.
- add export and download functions in snapshot.
- Add defaults for AutoMoveTo and AutoCopyTo so that we don't get false changes when saving filters.
Fix redirect after save. Re-null the Id of the filter object after temp execute so that we don't
reference a no longer existing filter.
- Change monitor->canView semantics so that a specified monitorId trumps the Monitors:None setting.
This is so that the console can be hidden, but the group dropdown still gets populated.
- When the selected layout is not freeform, calculate the ratio of computed size to stream source size
to calculate a value for scale. Should reduce cpu use and bandwidth from zms
- Fixed 'Call to undefined function Error()' in control_functions.php
- Only show thumbnail if Function is != None
- add autoplay tag. Fixes [#3343]
- Don't use AUTH_HASH_IPS when talking to zmu as it doesn't support that at this time.
- Fix PTZ Diagonal cmds. Fixes [#3300]
- add getMonitorStatuses function to return string values for status numbers
- Fix building SQL for ExistsInFileSystem PostCondition.
- Fix how we turn the rows into Event objects.
- Fix value handling in ExistsInFileSystem post condition.
- Add a 5 second timeout when setting suspending/resuming motion detection.Log errors appropriately
- If we fail to suspend/resume, assume we need to disconnect/reconnect to the mmap
- Fix usage summary in zmu, as there must be a space between -u and dbuser, etc
- documentation and readme updates, fixing dead links
- support for building with gitlab CI
- add support for ubuntu impish
- fixes in quoting default values in perl Monitor and Zone objects.
- Return early if packetqueue is empty instead of getting the lock. Return early in clear() if we are not initialised
- Make failure to resolve http remote monitors non fatal
- Fix errors due to not stopping the dbQueue in zmu. Fix crash when querying v4l devices
- LocalCamera: Add a missing include to fix FreeBSD build Fixes [#3330]
- fix errors reported during adding monitors due to missing Importance member in Monitor object
- Only suspend/resume motion detection if the monitor is doing motion detection
- Run spec-cleaner.
- Update to 1.36.5
- fix logout modal not appearing when too many sessions in
sessions table
- fix remote monitors not restarting when Function = None leaving
them running.
- fixes to onvif zooming [#3295]
- fix EndTime handling in Filters
- fix sorting of in progress events when sorting by EndDateTime
- Allow cakephp cache engine to be set during build
- remove code to control analysis fps that sleeps as it is no
longer relevent. Should help memory use.
- Move existing configuration in %posttrans to /etc/zoneminder
during update, not yet perfect because it needs manual restart.
- Update to 1.36.4
- Fix revision of CRUD in submodule
- Fix problems in zmstats.pl: Fix log deletion only ever deleting
100 entries when it should delete more in a loop. Add deleting
more than 100 sessions. Fix loop not terminating on Ctrl-C
- Add samesite when setting cookie for skin and css
- Default to UTC when no timezone set so that montagereview
continues working. Fixes [#3274]
- Fix bug in onvifprobe when specifying interface
- Remove 25x and 50x rate options in event view. Browsers do not
support them. Add 16x which is the max. Fixes [#3284]
- fix crash when in alert state with no event
- fix some queue clearing cases that cause hangs
- improve efficiency of getting packets from queue in decode thread.
- fix timestamping not being done on all recorded frames
- Fix renaming events [#3265]
- Changes from 1.36.3
- fix incorrect filename causing tmpfiles.d config to not be
installed for ubuntu focal and newer. Fixes [#3258]
- fix heap overflows causing crashes
- Apply height css to limit height of logout modal and apply
overflow:auto to add a scrollbar if needed so that we don't
have to scroll to logout.
- Changes from 1.36.2
- fix behaviour of reverse and fast forward buttons. [#3251]
- fix Cannot export events [#3250]
- fix missing jquery.js in exported zip
- fix DB log messages not being populated
- add redirect so that Yes I'd like to donate now goes to the
zoneminder donate page
- fix montagereview layout on firefox [#3249]
- updated Chinese Traditional and Hungarian languages
- fix build on debian stretch due to unsupported hwaccel code
- Allow [] characters in url to work with ipv6. Fixes [#3261]
- fix zm_update-1.28.99.sql to handle existence of other columns
in Controls table. [#3260]
- restore api behaviour for getting alarm status
- Changes from 1.36.1
- Image: Fix a dynamic-stack-buffer-overflow when filling polygons
- fix warnings not being displayed when saving a monitor [#3237]
- API Add Event_Summary model so that it is included in monitor
listing fixes [#3232]
- Fix API does not work correctly for alarm operations when using
username/password authentication [#3239]
- event view: Fix status of delete button when archived.
Change title to say that you can't delete due to archived
- fix compile on centos7
- fix buffer alignment. Fixes [#3233] Video writer incorrectly
encoding rotated monitor for h264/libx264
- fix packaging for hirsute
- Changes from 1.36.0
* Filters
- Moved event email options from global config to per Filter
- Added user to run filter as, so that users without access to
certain monitors can't just use a filter to access them.
- Filters now have PreSQL and PostSQL conditions. The first
Post SQL condition is ExistsInFileSystem. This can be used to
cleanup after a crash instead of using zmaudit.
- warnings on Filter edit page when you create a filter than
can delete archived events.
- Added Auto Unarchive function
* UI Updates
- bootstrap updated to version 3
- removed mootools
- events list now uses bootstrap-table to enable a more modern
powerful ui
- scaled thumbnail on mouseover on events list
- thumbnails with scaling on console
- frames view updates to include stats information
- many popups turned into modals
- monitor edit is now a full view instead of popup
- Zone edit is now scaled so high res cameras don't take the
entire screen or more.
- Added Estimated RAM use to Buffers tab in Monitors.
- Monitor edit no longer form submits/reloads between tabs it
just hides/unhides tabs using bootstrap nav.
- Monitors can now have Latitude/Longitude associated and
displayed on a map
* General
- New Monitor type VNC for recording desktops
- better use of scaling when streaming to reduce bandwidth/cpu use
- dynamic loading of vlc, curl and other libraries that might
not be used. Saves ram
- ONVIF probe can now select a network to scan
- Sessions now stored in database
- Event Summary tables reorganized to improve locking performance
- Clicking on username in header will now list other logged in
users if you have SystemView permission.
- ZoneMinder will now try other Storage Areas if it can't
create the event in the assigned area.
- New Monitor Setting: Decoding Enabled/Disabled
- /dev/shm mmap use decoupled from image buffering.
You should set ImageBufferCount to 3 or larger.
- mp4v2 deprecated and removed.
- zma process has been turned into a thread of zmc.
- Added second ffmpeg input stream for when audio is coming
from another source.
- added RTSP re-streaming
- hwaccel encoding support for intel vaapi and nvenc
- Use onmousedown/onmouseup for PTZ start/stop in PTZ controls.
Amcrest is the only Protocol that supports it so far.
- Move zoneminder config dirs from /etc and /etc/conf.d to
/etc/zoneminder and /etc/zoneminder/conf.d
- Rebase reload_config.patch.
- Dop move-include-sys-uio.h-outside-defined-BSD-block.patch,
because now in upstream.
- Update to 1.34.26
- Fix margin in ptz buttons
- Use > instead of >= to fix duplicated log entries display Fixes
- Fix colour shift when Zooming
- Fix errors in Amcrest_HTTP. Fixes [#3107]
- Fix warnings from zmaudit due to trying to update StorageId
to 0 when already 0.
- Changes from 1.34.25
Release to deal with ppa screwup.
No changes since 1.34.24
- Update to 1.34.24
- Upgrade cakephp to 2.10.24 which fixes php8
- Fix error in onvif PTZ script
- Fix to logging when not connected to db
- Fix disableAlarms button not working. Fixes [#3203]
- Add more state information to output of zmu -q
- Fix failure in settings action preventing brightness/etc
settings changes
- Fix auth timeout in montage and watch views
- Add more resolutions to resolution dropdown

- Fix zm_tempfiles.conf
Create directory in /run instead of /var/run.
- Update to 1.34.23
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.23
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.22
- Fix MP-Build (name conflict).
- Update to 1.34.21
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.21
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.20
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.19
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.18
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.17

- Update to version 1.34.16
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.16
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.15
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.14
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.13
- Fix privileges issue when starting zm_database_init in ExecStartPre.
- Update to version 1.23.12
Changes see
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.12
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.11
* https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.10

- Update to version 1.34.9.
Changes see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.9
General changes for 1.34.x see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.34.0
- Change version.
- Try to fix unit file for newer systemd version
- Fix rundir from /var/run to /run
- Remove old unit file for 42.3
- correct wrong vhosts directory.
- Change install directory of apache vhost file.
- Added missing CakePHP-Enum-Behavior.
- Fix paths in config patch.
- Set user and group explicit.
- Added special unit file for 42.3.
- Added requirement for perl-JSON-MaybeXS.
- Update to version 1.32.3.
See https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.32.3
for full changelog.
- Fix broken patch for not defining config values twice.
- Update to version 1.32.1.
See https://github.com/ZoneMinder/zoneminder/releases/tag/1.32.1
for full changelog.
- Require new zm_database_init version
- Fix zm.service file.
ZM failed to start with the following error message:
New main PID XXX does not belong to service, and PID file is not owned by root. Refusing.
Added User= and Group= as a fix for this issue
- Update to ZoneMinder 1.30.4
- Change to php7
- Added some missing directories for zmNinja
- Applay missing patch for ZM_VERSION already defined error.
- Fix missing ZM_VERSION
- Revert last change.
- Removed lame requirements.
- Remove obsolete section.
- Fix security permission problem for events and images.
- Removed obsolete Requires.
- Added missing sources.
- Updated to version 1.30.2
See https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/1.30.2
for a full description of changes.
- Cleanup of spec file for older discontinued versions.
- Changes for 42.2 packages.
- Eevert last change because it breaks custom states
- Fix web control start/stop/restart
- Fix montage view
- Fix dependencies to ffmpeg
- updated MP requirements for 42.1
- Added perl module dependencies for ONVIF.
- Fix wrong patch due to last change
- Fix order of update execution on startup/shutdown.
- Modified BuildRequired for MP Build
- Fix MP build
- Updated cambozola to latest version.
- Updated mootools to latest version.
- Update to version 1.30.0
* see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.30.0 for changes.
- Updated to version 1.29.0
* see https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.29.0 for changes
- Load enable php5 apache module if not already enabled.
- fix patch.
- Chages for new ffmpeg api.
- change requirement for libffmpeg
- update to version 1.28.1
for full changelog look at https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.28.1
- update to version 1.28.0
for full changelog look at https://github.com/ZoneMinder/ZoneMinder/releases/tag/v1.28.0
- force rebuild
- ignore return value of usermod
- fix groupadd for suse < 12.3
- allow to set date format depending on language settings
- add wwrun to group video during installation to avoid
permission problems
- added patch to avoid ZM_VERSION already defined php error
- fix db escapes see http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22196
- use mb_strtolower when accessing translation files because of
utf-8 encoding. See http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=22195
- added patch which fixes user defined language selection
- added patch to get xml view working again
- use build root when creating mysql config directory
- fix of directory install (used wrong syntax)
- set config no replace option for zm mysql configuration file
- added specialised mysql configuration file for zoneminder
places in my.cnf.d to disable default sql_mode
- added reload config patch
- add version to config file so that zm_database_init works again
- update to version 1.27.0
* A new skin!
* zmcamtool.pl
* Docker
* A new camera source type, libvlc.
* Better RTSP support! This fixed a regression in #221
* Fixed that annoying bug where you could create zones larger
than the image they belong to [b368d30]
* Better WansView camera detection support
- fix ZM_NO_FFMPGEG option
- added patches:
* fix_ZM_NO_FFMPGEG.patch
- modified patches:
* fix_perl_install.patch
* systemd_zm_control.patch
* zm.conf.patch
* zm_database_default_config.patch
* zmpkg_db_init.patch
- update to version 1.26.5
* Better RTSP support! This fixed a regression in #221
* Fixed that annoying bug where you could create zones larger
than the image they belong to [b368d30]
* Better WansView camera detection support
- add missing dependency
- switch to MMAP and enable it explicit
(see http://www.zoneminder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=82434#p82434)
- don't apply systemd patch for 11.4 builds
- don't call zmupdate.pl during zmpkg.pl
this is a task of zm_database_init
- set also ZM_PATH_BUILD to /usr/share/zm with patch
- disable mmap again
- update to ZoneMinder version 1.26.4
- disable mmap because zmtrigger.pl is not working with
mmap. See
- fix ffmpeg deprecated functions
- added patch from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=903063
- delete/insert config within transaction to prevent
invalid configuration reads by other processes.
- use systemd to start/stop/restart ZoneMinder via webfrontent.
Using zmpkg.pl from webfrontend confused systemd which then
showed a wrong state.

This behaviour is optional so new configuration option under
in system category was introduced.
- updated systemd unit file to use ZoneMinder PIDFile
Type is forking now instead of simple
- compile zoneminder with mmap enables
- applied patch for shared memory debug purpose
- use cast instead
- fix compile for 12.3 by using v4l enum type
found another one
- fix compile for 12.3 by using v4l enum type
- added unified uptime patch to fix uptime output
in webfrontend
- changed dependency from x264-devel to libx264-devel
- rebuild package due to changed ffmpeg libs
- fix file list
- added use of RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- added fix compile patch for gcc-4.7
- removed unneded BuildRequires
- remove last patch as it is a php configuration issue
- first try to fix hash auth, looking out for a better solution soon
- fix compile with newer ffmpeg versions
- added startup message again
- fixed name in requires: perl-PHP-Serialization
- removed obsolete entries in init file
- added perl-php-serialization to requires so that triggers are working
- corrected last patch
- ignore signals in ConfigAdmin module to prevent Config table corruption
- fix unit file
- don't restart on update beause on systemd it will be double executed which will break
the configuration table in database
- added restart section to unit file
- disable restart on update as it will break the Config table ind database (why?)
- added automake to build requires
- clean up old changes section
- added missing file
- fix in changelog file

Dirk Hartmann's avatar

Monex accepted request

Thank you.

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