
Request 917763 accepted

Updated the openSUSE branding package for Jitsi.

Please note that you need a
Prefer: jitsi-meet-branding-upstream

in your project config (osc meta prjconf -e) to fix "have choice" errors.

- use same version (2.0.5963) as the current jitsi-package
- ran spec-cleaner (RPM_BUILD_ROOT -> buildroot
- define jitsi_root macro
- simplify sed call
- fix rpmlint warnings:
+ rename spec and changes file to follow the real package name
+ provide a RPM Group, for older distributions

- Update it for the Jitsi Meet v2.0.5963

Dominik Gedon's avatar

Prefer: jitsi-meet-branding-upstream successfully set in project meta data. Thank you @lrupp!

Request History
Lars Vogdt's avatar

lrupp created request

Updated the openSUSE branding package for Jitsi.

Please note that you need a
Prefer: jitsi-meet-branding-upstream

in your project config (osc meta prjconf -e) to fix "have choice" errors.

- use same version (2.0.5963) as the current jitsi-package
- ran spec-cleaner (RPM_BUILD_ROOT -> buildroot
- define jitsi_root macro
- simplify sed call
- fix rpmlint warnings:
+ rename spec and changes file to follow the real package name
+ provide a RPM Group, for older distributions

- Update it for the Jitsi Meet v2.0.5963

Enno Gotthold's avatar

SchoolGuy accepted request

Thanks for the contribution!

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