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Request 919699 accepted

- get rid of the post/posttrans part and provide an modified
interface_config.js directly (marked as config).
Not sure, if we should ship this file at all - or leave it to
the admin to configure it right?
- also package:
+ settingsToolbarAdditionalContent.html
+ welcomePageAdditionalCard.html
- provide own adjustments in all.css in a separate openSUSE.css and
concatenate the file to the original all.css, which makes it much
easier to handle the modifications

Request History
Lars Vogdt's avatar

lrupp created request

- get rid of the post/posttrans part and provide an modified
interface_config.js directly (marked as config).
Not sure, if we should ship this file at all - or leave it to
the admin to configure it right?
- also package:
+ settingsToolbarAdditionalContent.html
+ welcomePageAdditionalCard.html
- provide own adjustments in all.css in a separate openSUSE.css and
concatenate the file to the original all.css, which makes it much
easier to handle the modifications

Dominik Gedon's avatar

dgedon accepted request

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