
Request 925960 accepted

- Update to version
+ Changes for compatibility with OpenImageIO 2.3. #1393 #1388
+ Fix potential crashes (or at least undefined behavior) due to
+ virtual destructor of internal Symbol type. #1397
- Apply 8682211d0bfe5c4be63a4a003d06037ff9721e66.diff and 1420.diff
in order to build with LLVM 13.
- Add partio library dependency

Request History
Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar

frispete created request

- Update to version
+ Changes for compatibility with OpenImageIO 2.3. #1393 #1388
+ Fix potential crashes (or at least undefined behavior) due to
+ virtual destructor of internal Symbol type. #1397
- Apply 8682211d0bfe5c4be63a4a003d06037ff9721e66.diff and 1420.diff
in order to build with LLVM 13.
- Add partio library dependency

Hans-Peter Jansen's avatar

frispete accepted request

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