
Request 927749 accepted

- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
Ben, the latest updates regarding python-macros and rpmlint are available now. Are there still open points now ?

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

@schubi2, @adamm This broke the "jupyter subcommand" style of calling all the commands provided by this package.

Stefan Schubert's avatar

Hm Ben, I do not really understand what it means. I am not the expert here. Could you please give us some further hints ?

Benjamin Greiner's avatar


Stefan Schubert's avatar

Ah yes, it seems that this package needs the "real" argv0 instead of "alts". For that Adam has added an option of the configuration file: options=KeepArgv0 I will prepare a new PR. Sorry, that one I have missed. We are talking about python-jupyter-core, right ?

Benjamin Greiner's avatar


I tried the (undocumented!) "Options=KeepArgv0" option in both "/usr/share/libalternatives/jupyter/1038.conf" as well as in "/usr/share/libalternatives/jupyter-subcommand/1038.conf" and it only made things worse. See also the pdb output. The error is without involving jupyter-core's alts redirection. alts is only called in the subcommand -- jupyter-trust in this case.

Stefan Schubert's avatar

OK, thanks for trying out !

Stefan Schubert's avatar

BTW Nice way to disable it temporary :-) %bcond_with libalternatives_issue_11_fixed Realy good !

Stefan Schubert's avatar

Ben, I have had similar problems with the vim package and it has worked out, that we have too much weak dependencies with alts and libalternatives. Could you please check which versions do you have ? You need 1.2 for both packages. Thank you !

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

The version is the one in Factory. It doesn't matter which version, the problem is thoroughly analyzed in https://github.com/openSUSE/libalternatives/issues/11. I submitted a PR to jupyter-core, but no reaction so far.

Stefan Schubert's avatar

Thanks for your patch: https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_core/pull/248 It seems that it has been accepted. Can I help you regarding submitting packages or something else ? Is there something else missed ? Anyway I will adapt the libalternatives documentation regarding the options and what you have found out about argv[0]

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

If there is no jupyter-core release in the next few days you can take pr248, add it as patch to the openSUSE package and submit it. If there is a release, submit a regular update.

As soon as that one is accepted, submit SRs re-enabling libalternatives for all jupyter-subcommand packages, including notebook.

Stefan Schubert's avatar

Thanks Ben! I will have a look on it...

Request History
Stefan Schubert's avatar

schubi2 created request

- Use libalternatives instead of update-alternatives.
Ben, the latest updates regarding python-macros and rpmlint are available now. Are there still open points now ?

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

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