
Request 928134 accepted

Switch to threaded zstd compression with a pool of 8 threads


Jan Engelhardt's avatar

hm, can't we use zstd -T0 (cores per cpuinfo), or even %_smp_mflags, rather than a fixed "8"?

Michael Schröder's avatar

No, we want to limit the amount of needed memory. That's the whole point using a pool, otherwise we could just start lots of threads.

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

I was more thinking of environments that have fewer than 8 hardware threads and would not benefit (or perhaps suffer) from launching too many process threads due to cacheline thrashing.

Request History
Michael Schröder's avatar

mlschroe created request

Switch to threaded zstd compression with a pool of 8 threads

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

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