
Request 928673 accepted

- Update to version 1.7
* 'ssh-force-password': Enforces password authentication
* ssh-ping
+ Option (-C) to connect/reconnect as soon as the host responds
+ Exit Codes
- 1: More than 1 request lost
- 2: All requests lost
+ Environment Variable
- SSH_PING_NO_COLORS: if set, no colors are shown (like -n)

Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Update to version 1.7
* 'ssh-force-password': Enforces password authentication
* ssh-ping
+ Option (-C) to connect/reconnect as soon as the host responds
+ Exit Codes
- 1: More than 1 request lost
- 2: All requests lost
+ Environment Variable
- SSH_PING_NO_COLORS: if set, no colors are shown (like -n)

Marcus Meissner's avatar

msmeissn accepted request


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