
Request 932284 accepted

I’ld like to have this mercurial extension available from the same repositories as mercurial itself.

The build on Leap 15.3 requires `python-dulwich` from `devel:languages:python` (which could be added using `osc linkpac devel:languages:python python-dulwich devel:tools:scm`), and additionally for Leap 15.2, `python-dulwich` requires `python-urllib3`, also from `devel:languages:python` (although support for 15.2 could reasonably be ignored).

Request History
Lukas Müller's avatar

expeehaa created request

I’ld like to have this mercurial extension available from the same repositories as mercurial itself.

The build on Leap 15.3 requires `python-dulwich` from `devel:languages:python` (which could be added using `osc linkpac devel:languages:python python-dulwich devel:tools:scm`), and additionally for Leap 15.2, `python-dulwich` requires `python-urllib3`, also from `devel:languages:python` (although support for 15.2 could reasonably be ignored).

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request

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