Request 933727 accepted
- Update to version 3.13.2
* Avoiding spatial split positions that are slightly out of
geometry bounds.
* Introduced rtcGetGeometryThreadSafe function, which is a thread
safe version of rtcGetGeometry.
* Using more accurate rcp implementation.
* Bugfix to rare corner case of high quality BVH builder.
- Embree 3.13.1
* Added support for ISPC+ARM.
* Releases upgrade to TBB 2021.3.0 and ISPC 1.16.1
- Use internal tasking instead of TBB
* gh#embree/embree#348
* boo#1192994
- Created by bnavigator
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: StefanBruens and frispete
- Supersedes 933581
Note: this is part of the effort to fix https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1192994
Request History
bnavigator created request
- Update to version 3.13.2
* Avoiding spatial split positions that are slightly out of
geometry bounds.
* Introduced rtcGetGeometryThreadSafe function, which is a thread
safe version of rtcGetGeometry.
* Using more accurate rcp implementation.
* Bugfix to rare corner case of high quality BVH builder.
- Embree 3.13.1
* Added support for ISPC+ARM.
* Releases upgrade to TBB 2021.3.0 and ISPC 1.16.1
- Use internal tasking instead of TBB
* gh#embree/embree#348
* boo#1192994
frispete accepted request