
Request 934155 accepted

- Update to version 5.2.0
* Add new entry in preferences to turn off plugins
* Add experimental support for PySide2
* Show standard streams when running code in the IPython Console
* Speed up search in the Find plugin
* Migrate the IPython Console to the new API
* Add new mechanism for plugin teardowm
* Add a way to create stacked widgets connected to the IPython
Console like Plots and the Variable explorer
- Drop spyder-pr16565-unpin-pylint.patch fixed upstream
- Drop spyder-jupyter_client7.patch fixed upstream

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 5.2.0
* Add new entry in preferences to turn off plugins
* Add experimental support for PySide2
* Show standard streams when running code in the IPython Console
* Speed up search in the Find plugin
* Migrate the IPython Console to the new API
* Add new mechanism for plugin teardowm
* Add a way to create stacked widgets connected to the IPython
Console like Plots and the Variable explorer
- Drop spyder-pr16565-unpin-pylint.patch fixed upstream
- Drop spyder-jupyter_client7.patch fixed upstream

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

ok. still only testing locally with `osc build --with test`

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