
Request 935753 superseded

- Replace _service with upstream tarball
- Add squashfuse.rpmlintrc
- Tidy spec and run fdupes
- update to version 0.1.104
- Various bug fixes
- new platform support
- Support libfuse version 3.
- MacOS idle timeout support
- update to version 0.1.103
- split package to prepare for factory inclusion
- squashfuse 0.1


Tuukka Pasanen's avatar

Please use official tarball not Github created one as it's available in release. They seem to be the same but I think it's more 'proper'. Otherwise LGTM.

John Vandenberg's avatar
author source maintainer

Do you mean use https://github.com/vasi/squashfuse/releases/download/0.1.104/squashfuse-0.1.104.tar.gz for the Source: ?

Tuukka Pasanen's avatar

Ok I checked the differences between distribution tarball and git pull one. Difference is that Distribution tar ball has autoconf run so I don't know if actually wrong to just to use GIT pull version. This minds me why I love autoconf so much.

Request History
John Vandenberg's avatar

jayvdb created request

- Replace _service with upstream tarball
- Add squashfuse.rpmlintrc
- Tidy spec and run fdupes
- update to version 0.1.104
- Various bug fixes
- new platform support
- Support libfuse version 3.
- MacOS idle timeout support
- update to version 0.1.103
- split package to prepare for factory inclusion
- squashfuse 0.1

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