
Request 940111 superseded

- Update to version 3.5.1
* https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/prev_whats_new/whats_new_3.5.0.html
* Figure and Axes creation / management
- subplot_mosaic supports simple Axes sharing
- Figure now has draw_without_rendering method
- Figure __init__ passes keyword arguments through to set
* Plotting methods
- Add Annulus patch
- set_data method for FancyArrow patch
- New arrow styles in ArrowStyle and ConnectionPatch
- Setting collection offset transform after initialization
* Colors and colormaps
- Colormap registry (experimental)
- Image interpolation now possible at RGBA stage
- imshow supports half-float arrays
- A callback registry has been added to Normalize objects
* Titles, ticks, and labels
- Settings tick positions and labels simultaneously in
* Fonts and Text
- Triple and quadruple dot mathtext accents
- Font properties of legend title are configurable
- Text and TextBox added parse_math option
- Text can be positioned inside TextBox widget
- Simplifying the font setting for usetex mode
- Type 42 subsetting is now enabled for PDF/PS backends
* rcParams improvements
- Allow setting default legend labelcolor globally
* 3D Axes improvements
- Axes3D now allows manual control of draw order

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to version 3.5.1
* https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/prev_whats_new/whats_new_3.5.0.html
* Figure and Axes creation / management
- subplot_mosaic supports simple Axes sharing
- Figure now has draw_without_rendering method
- Figure __init__ passes keyword arguments through to set
* Plotting methods
- Add Annulus patch
- set_data method for FancyArrow patch
- New arrow styles in ArrowStyle and ConnectionPatch
- Setting collection offset transform after initialization
* Colors and colormaps
- Colormap registry (experimental)
- Image interpolation now possible at RGBA stage
- imshow supports half-float arrays
- A callback registry has been added to Normalize objects
* Titles, ticks, and labels
- Settings tick positions and labels simultaneously in
* Fonts and Text
- Triple and quadruple dot mathtext accents
- Font properties of legend title are configurable
- Text and TextBox added parse_math option
- Text can be positioned inside TextBox widget
- Simplifying the font setting for usetex mode
- Type 42 subsetting is now enabled for PDF/PS backends
* rcParams improvements
- Allow setting default legend labelcolor globally
* 3D Axes improvements
- Axes3D now allows manual control of draw order

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl declined request

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