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Request 941733 accepted

- Update to version 2.1.8
* This is primarily a maintenance release to assure that build
problems on some distros are addressed in released code, but
there are a few bug fixes in it as well.
- The Xastir project no longer provides tar files that have
been "bootstrapped"
- If Xastir crashes, instances of the network server no longer
stick around to interfere with starting up a new copy of
Xastir. (issue #130)
- The get-NWSdata script now correctly respects the install
prefix in all its steps (pull request #172)
- Xastir's probe for libproj no longer looks for the deprecated
function pj_init, making it compatible with newer versions
of the proj library. (issue #173)
- Some unused, buggy diagnostic code has been removeds. (issue
- Some very ancient autoconf code was updated to work with more
recent versions of autoconf. This removes several deprecation
warnings, but more importantly removes fatal errors in the
most recent version of automake (pull request #181)
- The "install-xastir" script has been removed.
- Patch configure.diff removed. After update, the configure script
can detect GraphicMagick by itself
- Fixed build for Tumbleweed

Request History
Wojciech Kazubski's avatar

wkazubski created request

- Update to version 2.1.8
* This is primarily a maintenance release to assure that build
problems on some distros are addressed in released code, but
there are a few bug fixes in it as well.
- The Xastir project no longer provides tar files that have
been "bootstrapped"
- If Xastir crashes, instances of the network server no longer
stick around to interfere with starting up a new copy of
Xastir. (issue #130)
- The get-NWSdata script now correctly respects the install
prefix in all its steps (pull request #172)
- Xastir's probe for libproj no longer looks for the deprecated
function pj_init, making it compatible with newer versions
of the proj library. (issue #173)
- Some unused, buggy diagnostic code has been removeds. (issue
- Some very ancient autoconf code was updated to work with more
recent versions of autoconf. This removes several deprecation
warnings, but more importantly removes fatal errors in the
most recent version of automake (pull request #181)
- The "install-xastir" script has been removed.
- Patch configure.diff removed. After update, the configure script
can detect GraphicMagick by itself
- Fixed build for Tumbleweed

Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke accepted request

Thanks a lot!

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