
Request 942423 accepted

- Update to version 6.0.1~git0.1e7fff0:
* fix(docs): use correct manpage section numbering
* docs: add matrix badge
* chore: bump vergen to latest
* chore(cli): derive Default for Opt
* docs: update README benchmarks
* docs: update documentation as a preparation for v6's release. (#237)
* chore: bring back `export-config` flag (#236)
* chore: bump libmacchina to v4.0.2
* chore: freeze color-to-tui at v0.1.3
* docs: update README
* Fix the change of path of the config file

Request History
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar

stig124 created request

- Update to version 6.0.1~git0.1e7fff0:
* fix(docs): use correct manpage section numbering
* docs: add matrix badge
* chore: bump vergen to latest
* chore(cli): derive Default for Opt
* docs: update README benchmarks
* docs: update documentation as a preparation for v6's release. (#237)
* chore: bring back `export-config` flag (#236)
* chore: bump libmacchina to v4.0.2
* chore: freeze color-to-tui at v0.1.3
* docs: update README
* Fix the change of path of the config file

Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar

stig124 accepted request

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