
Request 946681 accepted

- Update to 8.1.0
* 8.1.0 is a small release, adding a few new features and
* relay KeyboardInterrupt to engines in blocking `%px` magics
* add `Cluster.start_and_connect(activate=True)` to include
activation of `%px` magics in one-liner startup.
* initial support for Clusters tab in RetroLab
* ensure profile config is always loaded for
* build lab extension in production mode, apply trove classifiers
* pass through keyword arguments to constructor in
- Don't require iptest for testing anymore, removed in ipython 8

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 8.1.0
* 8.1.0 is a small release, adding a few new features and
* relay KeyboardInterrupt to engines in blocking `%px` magics
* add `Cluster.start_and_connect(activate=True)` to include
activation of `%px` magics in one-liner startup.
* initial support for Clusters tab in RetroLab
* ensure profile config is always loaded for
* build lab extension in production mode, apply trove classifiers
* pass through keyword arguments to constructor in
- Don't require iptest for testing anymore, removed in ipython 8

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

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