
Request 947993 accepted

- Update to version 0.9.5
* Fix release build name and win32 feature
* seek spits out correct error when used with no args
* Migrate to cursive 0.17
* Remove notifications' dependency on cover
* Fix errors showing up even though the command was successful
* Fix lists that were shown as empty even though they contained

- Update to version 0.9.4
* Sort library after saving an album
* Stop player when Spotify worker thread dies
* Update librespot to 0.3.1
* Major/breaking update to rspotify 0.11.3
* Refactoring and other cleanups
* Fix crash when saving track or opening similar tracks
* Fixed MPRIS OpenUri function not respecting ncspot's shuffle
* Fix queuing of playlists causing "play next" to be broken
* More detailed error message in case of command parse error
* Remove panics in the update_token flow
* Add command to show recommendations
* Enable binding multiple commands to a key
* Add "Share album" contextmenu entry
* Add redraw command and bind to CTRL+L
* Add initial_screen config variable
* Add userRating entity to MPRIS metadata
* Show playlist owner name
* Introduce cache file format version indicator.
* Added Wayland clipboard support
* Added jumpnext and jumpprevious as commands
* Add exec command allowing users to execute shell commands on
key press
* Improved seek command to allow more units (e.g. 2s), check
parse_duration documentation for accepted units
* Set terminal title to ncspot


JL K's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

This is a follow up to Request 946693, this time with a more verbose changelog and another update to version 0.9.5.

One thing I am unsure about is the bump to Rust Edition 2021 with version 0.9.0 as it makes every stable build fail.

Request History
JL K's avatar

jlkDE created request

- Update to version 0.9.5
* Fix release build name and win32 feature
* seek spits out correct error when used with no args
* Migrate to cursive 0.17
* Remove notifications' dependency on cover
* Fix errors showing up even though the command was successful
* Fix lists that were shown as empty even though they contained

- Update to version 0.9.4
* Sort library after saving an album
* Stop player when Spotify worker thread dies
* Update librespot to 0.3.1
* Major/breaking update to rspotify 0.11.3
* Refactoring and other cleanups
* Fix crash when saving track or opening similar tracks
* Fixed MPRIS OpenUri function not respecting ncspot's shuffle
* Fix queuing of playlists causing "play next" to be broken
* More detailed error message in case of command parse error
* Remove panics in the update_token flow
* Add command to show recommendations
* Enable binding multiple commands to a key
* Add "Share album" contextmenu entry
* Add redraw command and bind to CTRL+L
* Add initial_screen config variable
* Add userRating entity to MPRIS metadata
* Show playlist owner name
* Introduce cache file format version indicator.
* Added Wayland clipboard support
* Added jumpnext and jumpprevious as commands
* Add exec command allowing users to execute shell commands on
key press
* Improved seek command to allow more units (e.g. 2s), check
parse_duration documentation for accepted units
* Set terminal title to ncspot

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request

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