
Request 949143 accepted

- Update to version 2.15.8
* Fixed crash when DSP is restarted after a long pause.
* Removed usage of deprecated Qt APIs.
* Return correct RDS status in remote control.
* Allow ordinary IP addresses to be used in remote control

- Update to version 2.15.7
* Fixed errors & warnings in appstream metadata & desktop entry.

Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Update to version 2.15.8
* Fixed crash when DSP is restarted after a long pause.
* Removed usage of deprecated Qt APIs.
* Return correct RDS status in remote control.
* Allow ordinary IP addresses to be used in remote control

- Update to version 2.15.7
* Fixed errors & warnings in appstream metadata & desktop entry.

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request

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