
Request 957904 accepted

- Update to version 0.10.1
* feat: Option font.builtin_box_drawing to disable the built-in
font for drawing box characters
* refactor: Builtin font thickness is now based on cell width
instead of underline thickness
* fix: Builtin font lines not contiguous when font.offset is used
* fix: font.glyph_offset is no longer applied on builtin font
* fix: Built-in font arcs alignment
* fix: Colors being slightly off when using
* fix: OSC 4 not handling
* fix: in OSC strings reporting default colors instead of
modified ones
* fix: OSC 104 not clearing colors when second parameter is empty


Request History
JL K's avatar

jlkDE created request

- Update to version 0.10.1
* feat: Option font.builtin_box_drawing to disable the built-in
font for drawing box characters
* refactor: Builtin font thickness is now based on cell width
instead of underline thickness
* fix: Builtin font lines not contiguous when font.offset is used
* fix: font.glyph_offset is no longer applied on builtin font
* fix: Built-in font arcs alignment
* fix: Colors being slightly off when using
* fix: OSC 4 not handling
* fix: in OSC strings reporting default colors instead of
modified ones
* fix: OSC 104 not clearing colors when second parameter is empty

Marcus Meissner's avatar

msmeissn accepted request


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