Request 963501 accepted
- Update to version 3.42.0:
+ Documentation improvements to use gi-docgen.
+ Introspection fixes.
- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) build requirement as
the new improved way for generating the API documentation.
- Add temporary hacky SED commands to fix the gi-docgen generated
documentation ending up under /usr/share/doc/ rather than
- Add jsonrpc-glib-rpmlintrc to filter out the:
"obsolete-not-provided typelib-1_0-Jsonrpc-1.0" since there's no
need to do so as we already used the capability typelib(foobar),
for requirements, before the renaming.
Request History
iznogood created request
- Update to version 3.42.0:
+ Documentation improvements to use gi-docgen.
+ Introspection fixes.
- Replace gtk-doc with pkgconfig(gi-docgen) build requirement as
the new improved way for generating the API documentation.
- Add temporary hacky SED commands to fix the gi-docgen generated
documentation ending up under /usr/share/doc/ rather than
- Add jsonrpc-glib-rpmlintrc to filter out the:
"obsolete-not-provided typelib-1_0-Jsonrpc-1.0" since there's no
need to do so as we already used the capability typelib(foobar),
for requirements, before the renaming.
gnome-review-bot accepted review
Check script succeeded
dimstar accepted review
dimstar approved review
dimstar accepted request