
Request 965418 accepted

- update to 0.8.1
- This point release updates the backend F1/F2 hot keys so thatr
they affect all instances of the backend, regardless ofr
what frontend you are currently focused on.
In most configurations, this is expected to be a noop, but in
some edge cases, the actual desired behavior is to pull a node
out of service. The legacy behavior has been moved to F9/F10.
- switch to python3

Request History
Ruediger Oertel's avatar

oertel created request

- update to 0.8.1
- This point release updates the backend F1/F2 hot keys so thatr
they affect all instances of the backend, regardless ofr
what frontend you are currently focused on.
In most configurations, this is expected to be a noop, but in
some edge cases, the actual desired behavior is to pull a node
out of service. The legacy behavior has been moved to F9/F10.
- switch to python3

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix accepted request


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