Request 966576 accepted
- Update to 3.1.5
* Maps created from ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.resample and
~sunpy.map.GenericMap.superpixel have been fixed in the case
where the resampling was not square, and the PCi_j matrix
(often a rotation matrix) was not a multiple of the identity
matrix. When the PCi_j or CDi_j formalisms are used in the
metadata these are now correctly modified, and the CDELT values
are left unchanged. (#5786)
* When getting IRIS files from the VSO, Fido was incorrectly
labelling them as XML files. (#5868)
* Fixes a bug where the cmap and norm keyword arguments were
ignored when calling ~sunpy.map.MapSequence.plot. (#5889) Fix
parsing of the GOES/XRS netcdf files to ignore leap seconds.
* Fixed compatability with h5netcdf>0.14 when loading GOES netcdf
files. (#5920)
* Fixes a bug in ~sunpy.map.sources.IRISMap where undefined
variable was used when parsing the wavelength. Also fixes the
unit parsing by removing the "corrected" string from the BUNIT
keyword as "corrected DN" cannot be parsed as a valid FITS
unit. (#5968)
* Fixed unit handling issue with .GenericMap and lowercasing the
unit before it submits it to astropy.units. (#5970)
- Release 3.1.4
* Fixed plotting and peeking NORH timeseries data with pandas
1.4.0. (#5830)
* In the case where sunpy.database.Database.fetch() successfully
downloads only some of the search results, a
~sunpy.database.PartialFetchError is raised. This fixes a bug
where the successful downloads would have been added to the
- Created by bnavigator
- In state accepted
Request History
bnavigator created request
- Update to 3.1.5
* Maps created from ~sunpy.map.GenericMap.resample and
~sunpy.map.GenericMap.superpixel have been fixed in the case
where the resampling was not square, and the PCi_j matrix
(often a rotation matrix) was not a multiple of the identity
matrix. When the PCi_j or CDi_j formalisms are used in the
metadata these are now correctly modified, and the CDELT values
are left unchanged. (#5786)
* When getting IRIS files from the VSO, Fido was incorrectly
labelling them as XML files. (#5868)
* Fixes a bug where the cmap and norm keyword arguments were
ignored when calling ~sunpy.map.MapSequence.plot. (#5889) Fix
parsing of the GOES/XRS netcdf files to ignore leap seconds.
* Fixed compatability with h5netcdf>0.14 when loading GOES netcdf
files. (#5920)
* Fixes a bug in ~sunpy.map.sources.IRISMap where undefined
variable was used when parsing the wavelength. Also fixes the
unit parsing by removing the "corrected" string from the BUNIT
keyword as "corrected DN" cannot be parsed as a valid FITS
unit. (#5968)
* Fixed unit handling issue with .GenericMap and lowercasing the
unit before it submits it to astropy.units. (#5970)
- Release 3.1.4
* Fixed plotting and peeking NORH timeseries data with pandas
1.4.0. (#5830)
* In the case where sunpy.database.Database.fetch() successfully
downloads only some of the search results, a
~sunpy.database.PartialFetchError is raised. This fixes a bug
where the successful downloads would have been added to the
mcalabkova accepted request