
Request 967683 accepted

- do not require python-mock for build
- modified patches
% python-pymacaroons-remove-nose.patch (refreshed)

Eric Schirra's avatar

@Dirk: Why don't you respect the rules? You are not a package maintainer! And the following message appears in the WEB GUI: You are a project maintainer but not a package maintainer. This package has 1 package maintainer assigned. Please keep in mind that also package maintainers would like to review this request.

Petr Gajdos's avatar
author source maintainer

@ecosos, I will disable python2 build, if you need it, I will redo.

Request History
Petr Gajdos's avatar

pgajdos created request

- do not require python-mock for build
- modified patches
% python-pymacaroons-remove-nose.patch (refreshed)

Dirk Mueller's avatar

dirkmueller accepted request

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