
Request 969394 accepted

Needed for Fedora

i thod's avatar
author source maintainer

@dheidler This is required for Fedora to build nodejs-electron only. You could also activate it for build only and avoid publishing it from here.

Adam Majer's avatar

can we just have it as a link from the devel project instead? network:chromium/memory-constraints is devel project for Factory.

i thod's avatar
author source maintainer

Sounds good to me

Dominik Heidler's avatar

Sure - do you know how to set this up?

Dominik Heidler's avatar

I deleted all files and added a link file but that seems to have broken the package. https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/devel:languages:nodejs/memory-constraints

If only there was some kind of documantation.

i thod's avatar
author source maintainer

You should keep the files, then it should work

Request History
i thod's avatar

ithod created request

Needed for Fedora

Dominik Heidler's avatar

dheidler accepted request

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