
Request 969837 accepted

* Sign authentication replies to prevent MiTM (CVE-2022-22935)
* Sign pillar data to prevent MiTM attacks. (CVE-2022-22934)
* Prevent job and fileserver replays (CVE-2022-22936)
* Fixed targeting bug, especially visible when using syndic and user auth. (CVE-2022-22941)

Request History
Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vzhestkov created request

* Sign authentication replies to prevent MiTM (CVE-2022-22935)
* Sign pillar data to prevent MiTM attacks. (CVE-2022-22934)
* Prevent job and fileserver replays (CVE-2022-22936)
* Fixed targeting bug, especially visible when using syndic and user auth. (CVE-2022-22941)

Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez accepted request

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