
Request 974218 accepted

- Update to version 0.9.8
* Disable compat feature in futures
* Remove webbrowser crate
* Only download cover image when flag enabled
* Fix: do not crash DBus on invalid Spotify URIs
* Add playback_state config option
* Add option to play track from context menu dialog
- Do not strip binary via Cargo
- Format spec file via osc service

Request History
JL K's avatar

jlkDE created request

- Update to version 0.9.8
* Disable compat feature in futures
* Remove webbrowser crate
* Only download cover image when flag enabled
* Fix: do not crash DBus on invalid Spotify URIs
* Add playback_state config option
* Add option to play track from context menu dialog
- Do not strip binary via Cargo
- Format spec file via osc service

JL K's avatar

jlkDE accepted request

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