
Request 974642 accepted

Update to version 5.1.0

Markéta Machová's avatar

looks like the fdupes call doesn't work very well :) there are 300+ duplicate warnings in the buildlog

Matej Cepl's avatar
  1. Concerning the Patch0, could you please tell me where the patch is from? And if it is made by you, where did you file the ticket in the upstream issue tracker? Please, add the reference to such ticket using the standard abbreviations, if possible.

  2. I am not sure that %fdupes in the %build stage is a good idea. That creates a lot of symlinks and hardlinks, which you then move around in the %install phase (or while preparing %files). Are you 100% certain that all of them survived well? Did you actually check the content of the binary RPM whether all those files are correct?

  3. Please, add -v after %pyunittest.

Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar

Hey, will fix that. Regarding 2: I just moved it from the prep step

Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar

Fixed 1 and 3. @mcalabkova changed the order, should fixed the duplicates.

As for 2 I just moved it from prep to build.

Request History
Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar

susnux created request

Update to version 5.1.0

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

Thank you!

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