
Request 976487 accepted

I set up the project to fetch the source and prepare the vendor through OBS Services ()
When you update to a new version, you simply change the version in the file and run . This also fixes build for .

Enrico Belleri's avatar

I set up the project to fetch the source and prepare the vendor through OBS Services (_service).

When you update to a new version, you simply change the version in the _service file and run osc service dr. This also fixes build for asusctl.

Luke Jones's avatar

Hey thanks for doing this

Enrico Belleri's avatar

I am planning to buy a ASUS notebook, so I'm going to need your project :)

Last thing, as you see the Fedora build can't decide between glibc-langpack-en or glibc-all-langpacks. Put the one you prefer in the project config's Prefers:

Request History
Enrico Belleri's avatar

iDesmI created request

I set up the project to fetch the source and prepare the vendor through OBS Services ()
When you update to a new version, you simply change the version in the file and run . This also fixes build for .

Luke Jones's avatar

luke_nukem accepted request

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