
Request 978112 accepted

- Make sure SaltCacheLoader use correct fileclient (bsc#1199149)
- Fix regression preventing bootstrapping new clients caused by redundant dependency on psutil (bsc#1197533)
- Prevent data pollution between actions proceesed at the same time (bsc#1197637)
- Added:
* prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch
* fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch
* make-sure-saltcacheloader-use-correct-fileclient-519.patch

Request History
Pablo Suárez Hernández's avatar

PSuarezHernandez created request

- Make sure SaltCacheLoader use correct fileclient (bsc#1199149)
- Fix regression preventing bootstrapping new clients caused by redundant dependency on psutil (bsc#1197533)
- Prevent data pollution between actions proceesed at the same time (bsc#1197637)
- Added:
* prevent-affection-of-ssh.opts-with-lazyloader-bsc-11.patch
* fix-regression-with-depending-client.ssh-on-psutil-b.patch
* make-sure-saltcacheloader-use-correct-fileclient-519.patch

Victor Zhestkov's avatar

vzhestkov accepted request

In general looks good, but just a couple tiny nitpicks:
- no blank line between last two patches
- the second entry line is too long, maybe move the tail on second line?

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