
Request 978148 accepted

- Add patch to fix appmenu text with certain themes (kde#453348):
* 0001-applets-appmenu-fix-top-level-menu-text-coloration.patch
- Add patch to also show themes with a newer metadata format (kde#453830):
* 0001-kcms-desktoptheme-find-metadata.json-when-loading-Th.patch

Request History
Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator created request

- Add patch to fix appmenu text with certain themes (kde#453348):
* 0001-applets-appmenu-fix-top-level-menu-text-coloration.patch
- Add patch to also show themes with a newer metadata format (kde#453830):
* 0001-kcms-desktoptheme-find-metadata.json-when-loading-Th.patch

Luca Beltrame's avatar

luca_b accepted request


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