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Request 979089 accepted

Plasma 5.25 Beta, untested. oxygen5-sounds is a separate package now, kwayland-server got merged into kwin5 and plasma5-phone-components renamed to plasma5-mobile. kinfocenter5 kauth review requested as boo#1199735. kwayland-server and plasma-mobile-components need to be deleted manually!

Request History
Fabian Vogt's avatar

Vogtinator created request

Plasma 5.25 Beta, untested. oxygen5-sounds is a separate package now, kwayland-server got merged into kwin5 and plasma5-phone-components renamed to plasma5-mobile. kinfocenter5 kauth review requested as boo#1199735. kwayland-server and plasma-mobile-components need to be deleted manually!

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

cgiboudeaux accepted request

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