
Request 979491 accepted

- Update to version 1.4.0 "Budgie Bonanza"
* Budgie Applications Menu applet: this has the following
enhancements from upstream:
* App context menu available when right click from search
* Reads the PrefersNonDefaultGPU setting from .desktop files
and uses that to automatically configure default or
non-default GPU.
* Adds a new context menu to support choosing the other GPU
* Categories have been slimmed down - less apps should
default to the “Other” category.
* when searching, Nemo bookmarks are also displayed in the
search results.
* Applications menu category view now defaults to 6px which
gives a less squashed look for most themes - this can be
configured via the applet settings.
* Quicknote pop-up correctly retains its scroll-position so
no need to keep scrolling up and down to find text you
previously was looking at.
* Made Shuffler more robust, handling situations when a window
was just closed before a shuffler action was performed on it,
or when trying to perform an action on a window of an
invalid window type (e.g. a dialog window).
* Budgie Previews, Budgie Quickchar and Budgie Window Shuffler
now appear in GNOME-Software with meaningful descriptions
and pictures.
* Shuffle windows according to which is the active monitor.
* Shuffle Control window animations match Budgie Settings'
* Fix Shuffler rules to check window type
(so e.g. dialog windows won't be positioned).
* Dropby handle MMC (SD Cards) as well as USB.
* Add ChromeOS based layout.
* Update default Ubuntu Budgie layout.
* Add delay option for Hot-corners; useful for touchpads that
have difficulty measuring speed of movement.
* Lots and lots of translations.
* Handle terminating secondary processes more gracefully,
when applets are removed from the panel .
* Removed Window Mover applet since no longer supported.
* Removed Workspace Overview applet since no longer supported.
* Ejecting from Dropby is managed with modern API.
* Fixed Dropby popup timing.
* Replaced deprecated Notify2 based notifications with
* Desktop file icons moved to the recommended hicolor icon folder
* Fixed missing QuickChar icon; new icon designed.
* Network applet settings now opens in budgie-control-center
if installed.
* Network applet spinner icon handled correctly when
connecting to VPNs.
* Network applet settings now opens in budgie-control-center
if installed.
* Changed from ChangeLog to NEWS file for version history.

Request History
Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 created request

- Update to version 1.4.0 "Budgie Bonanza"
* Budgie Applications Menu applet: this has the following
enhancements from upstream:
* App context menu available when right click from search
* Reads the PrefersNonDefaultGPU setting from .desktop files
and uses that to automatically configure default or
non-default GPU.
* Adds a new context menu to support choosing the other GPU
* Categories have been slimmed down - less apps should
default to the “Other” category.
* when searching, Nemo bookmarks are also displayed in the
search results.
* Applications menu category view now defaults to 6px which
gives a less squashed look for most themes - this can be
configured via the applet settings.
* Quicknote pop-up correctly retains its scroll-position so
no need to keep scrolling up and down to find text you
previously was looking at.
* Made Shuffler more robust, handling situations when a window
was just closed before a shuffler action was performed on it,
or when trying to perform an action on a window of an
invalid window type (e.g. a dialog window).
* Budgie Previews, Budgie Quickchar and Budgie Window Shuffler
now appear in GNOME-Software with meaningful descriptions
and pictures.
* Shuffle windows according to which is the active monitor.
* Shuffle Control window animations match Budgie Settings'
* Fix Shuffler rules to check window type
(so e.g. dialog windows won't be positioned).
* Dropby handle MMC (SD Cards) as well as USB.
* Add ChromeOS based layout.
* Update default Ubuntu Budgie layout.
* Add delay option for Hot-corners; useful for touchpads that
have difficulty measuring speed of movement.
* Lots and lots of translations.
* Handle terminating secondary processes more gracefully,
when applets are removed from the panel .
* Removed Window Mover applet since no longer supported.
* Removed Workspace Overview applet since no longer supported.
* Ejecting from Dropby is managed with modern API.
* Fixed Dropby popup timing.
* Replaced deprecated Notify2 based notifications with
* Desktop file icons moved to the recommended hicolor icon folder
* Fixed missing QuickChar icon; new icon designed.
* Network applet settings now opens in budgie-control-center
if installed.
* Network applet spinner icon handled correctly when
connecting to VPNs.
* Network applet settings now opens in budgie-control-center
if installed.
* Changed from ChangeLog to NEWS file for version history.

Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 accepted review


Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 approved review


Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 accepted request


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