
Request 990388 accepted

Fork mingw64-wxWidgets-3_2 package from mingw64-wxWidgets-3_0

Ralf Habacker's avatar

I was going to ask if the installed dll names were different from version 3_0 to avoid dependency conflicts, but saw that they are.

3_2: mingw64(libwx_baseu_gcc_suse-2.dll) mingw64(libwx_mswu_core_gcc_suse-2.dll)

3_0: mingw64(libwx_baseu_gcc_suse-1.dll) mingw64(libwx_mswu_core_gcc_suse-1.dll)

Bruno Pitrus's avatar

Yes, unfortunately the wx-config conflicts which means you cannot have both devel packages installed at the same time. Don't know how to solve that one.

Ralf Habacker's avatar

To prevent installing both the Conflicts: <other> tag can be used in each development package

Ralf Habacker's avatar

Is it not possible to use a suffix e.g wx-config-3.2

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

it might, but usually no time is spent on such, because a package seldomly needs two versions of something at the same time.

Ralf Habacker's avatar

There are already packages having a versioned -config script, for example

/usr/bin/ncurses6-config /usr/bin/ncursesw6-config

a similar name may be wx32-config

Request History
Bruno Pitrus's avatar

dziobian created request

Fork mingw64-wxWidgets-3_2 package from mingw64-wxWidgets-3_0

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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