
Request 991045 accepted

- Update to 5.3.2
* New entry from the Editor context menu to Show help for current
* Improve UX/UI for the repositioning panes functionality.
* Fix several bugs related to the debugging functionality (remote
kernels usage and Pdb history).
* Fix incompatibility with Pylint 2.14.0+.
* Fix several bugs related with the Plots pane.
* Add create_client_for_kernel and rename_client_tab to the
Ipython Console plugin so that other plugins can access to
console creation like Spyder-notebook.

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 5.3.2
* New entry from the Editor context menu to Show help for current
* Improve UX/UI for the repositioning panes functionality.
* Fix several bugs related to the debugging functionality (remote
kernels usage and Pdb history).
* Fix incompatibility with Pylint 2.14.0+.
* Fix several bugs related with the Plots pane.
* Add create_client_for_kernel and rename_client_tab to the
Ipython Console plugin so that other plugins can access to
console creation like Spyder-notebook.

Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator accepted request

good. not forwarding because python-python-lsp-server requires setuptools 61+

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