
Request 991435 accepted

- Update to version 3.08
+ Added !uninstfinalize (patch #280, bug #1241)
+ Added $USER.. and $COMMON.. alias constants
+ Added GetDLLVersion /ProductVersion switch
+ Added GetWinVer instruction
+ Disallow start maximized mode
+ Added /LAUNCH compiler switch
+ PEAddResource now supports the res:// protocol
+ System::Store can push/pop the flags state

Request History
Jonas Kvinge's avatar

jonaski created request

- Update to version 3.08
+ Added !uninstfinalize (patch #280, bug #1241)
+ Added $USER.. and $COMMON.. alias constants
+ Added GetDLLVersion /ProductVersion switch
+ Added GetWinVer instruction
+ Disallow start maximized mode
+ Added /LAUNCH compiler switch
+ PEAddResource now supports the res:// protocol
+ System::Store can push/pop the flags state

Fridrich Strba's avatar

fstrba accepted request

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