Request 994896 accepted
- Update to version 22.02.122+64.0b0e93c:
plugins: splash: two-step: Secure boot check and a warning image;
libply: ply-utils: Add ply_is_secure_boot_enabled () helper;
* This work can be used to check the secure boot configuration and put a red
warning image on the screen if the secure boot is disabled. Also, this
check can be utterly disabled through the kernel parameter for testing.
If the parameter "secure_boot.warn_if_disabled=false" appears in the
kernel parameter, the secure boot check will be disabled.
- Rebase plymouth-watermark-config.patch;
Request History
qzhao created request
- Update to version 22.02.122+64.0b0e93c:
plugins: splash: two-step: Secure boot check and a warning image;
libply: ply-utils: Add ply_is_secure_boot_enabled () helper;
* This work can be used to check the secure boot configuration and put a red
warning image on the screen if the secure boot is disabled. Also, this
check can be utterly disabled through the kernel parameter for testing.
If the parameter "secure_boot.warn_if_disabled=false" appears in the
kernel parameter, the secure boot check will be disabled.
- Rebase plymouth-watermark-config.patch;
qzhao accepted request