Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

Dr. Werner Fink


Involved Projects and Packages

The termcap library.


A really nice drawing program which is especially useful in cooperation
with LaTeX. Note the documentation and COPYRIGHT file in


Texinfo is a documentation system that uses a single source file to
produce both online information and printed output. Using Texinfo, you
can create a printed document with the normal features of a book,
including chapters, sections, cross-references, and indices. From the
same Texinfo source file, you can create a menu-driven, online info
file with nodes, menus, cross-references, and indices using the included
makeinfo tool.

Aggregated with texinfo in this package is texi2html and texi2roff.


TransFig is a set of tools for creating TeX documents with graphics
that are portable in the sense that they can be printed in a wide
variety of environments.

The transfig directory contains the source for the transfig command
which generates a Makefile which translates Fig code to various
graphics description languages using the fig2dev program. In previous
releases, this command was implemented as a shell script.

Documentation: man transfig


Ian Taylor's Unix to Unix copy: mail and news over modem lines. This is
the standard UUCP package from the Free Software Foundation. It is
configured to use HoneyDanBer or Taylor configuration files. With
version 6.0 of SuSE Linux, the configuration directory has been moved
to /etc/uucp. Exactly: Taylor config: /etc/uucp HoneyDanBer
config: /etc/uucp/hdb_config If you have your own setup under
/var/lib/uucp, please move it to /etc/uucp. Example configurations can
be found in /usr/share/doc/packages/uucp.

We did not include a uucp guest account. If you want to create a guest
account, make sure the directory /var/spool/uucppublic exists.


This program answers your e-mail when you are lying on the beach.

Documentation: man vacation


This package contains an English words dictionary which will be installed as

/usr/share/dict/american and linked to /usr/share/dict/words

The symbolic link may be used by look(1) and ispell(1).

For a British or Canadian version of such a words dictionary you may install
words-british or words-canadian respectively.


This program uses another locker program to lock the screen
automatically after an idle period. It may, e.g., be called as follows:

xautolock -locker "xlock -mode blank"

using xlock as locker program.


This is a library that can be used instead of the standard
Athena-Widget-Library. It has tried to keep the standard of the libXaw
library. There are also programs which explicitly use this library
(this is the reason why the library was included).

NOTE: Do NOT replace /usr/X11R6/lib/libXaw.so.6.1!


The SuSE Linux background for your XDM workstation.


Some useful scripts for using SuSE Linux as an X terminal.

You will find the documentation in the following directory



This is the current version of XEmacs, formerly known as Lucid-Emacs.
It is related to other versions of Emacs, in particular GNU Emacs. Its
emphasis is on modern graphical user interface support and an open
software development model, similar to Linux.

Lisp macros are not necessarily interchangeable between GNU-Emacs and
XEmacs. This is mainly important for translated .elc files and the key

A collection of additional lisp packages for XEmacs. You must install
this package when you want to use the XEmacs package, they are needed
for most non-trivial XEmacs functions.


Xfig is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate
objects interactively in an X Window System window. The resulting
pictures can be saved, printed on PostScript printers, or converted to
a variety of other formats (to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents, for

Documentation: /usr/share/doc/packages/xfig & man xfig

Examples: /usr/share/doc/packages/xfig/TheExamples


This package contains two scripts, which, called with the name of a
remote host, will open an xterm window on the local X display with a
remote session or login shell.

The script xlogin starts by a rsh call (remote shell) an xterm on the
remote host. If necessary, the access will be allowed by sending the
magic key (cookie) of the display to the remote host.

The script xtelnet starts a local xterm with a telnet session on the
remote host.


Mahjongg is a challenging Chinese game similar to domino. It is usually
played by four players. Xmahjongg is the solitaire version designed for
the X Window System. More can be found in the appropriate manual page.


A small program which is mostly configurable using resources via
~/.Xresources. It shows actual CPU, swap, memory, active interrupts,
and, if desired, netpacket statistics in a graphical manner.


The xsession program is a session manager. It is normally executed by
your ~/.xinitrc (or ~/.xsession) script and controls your X Window
session. As soon as it is started, xsession launches a window manager
and some applications of your choice. At anytime during your session,
you may switch to another window manager or execute some other
applications from the xsession menus.

Examples may be found under /usr/share/doc/packages/xsession/examples.


`xtexit` sends an request to all clients to shut down. If the
application still needs an user interaction (e.g., if a file should be
saved) this is possible.

If you answer by the affirmative, all applications will be closed. This
method is not fully waterproof, but better than killing each and every
client without being able to interfere.

xterm applications anyway are killed immediately!

If this package is installed, it will be automatically integrated into
the sample user fvwm menu.


a2ps converts ASCII text into PostScript. This feature is used by
apsfilter, for example, to pretty-print ASCII text.

Warning: a2ps is not able to convert complex unicode (UTF-8) text to
PostScript. Only language text which can be converted from UTF-8 to
latin encodings are supported.


Bash is an sh-compatible command interpreter that executes commands
read from standard input or from a file. Bash incorporates useful
features from the Korn and C shells (ksh and csh). Bash is intended to
be a conformant implementation of the IEEE Posix Shell and Tools
specification (IEEE Working Group 1003.2).


Using bibview, entries in several BiB databases can be moved,
manipulated, created, and searched.

If you prefer German rather than English menus, copy the file
var/X11R6/lib/app-defaults/BibView.ger to

This package provides a boot script that is used for boot cycle
detection to avoid unconditional reboot cycles on an unsupervised
system. For example, on INTEL IA32 the GNU GRUB multiboot loader is
used for this.


CDK is a widget set developed on top of the basic curses library. It
contains 21 ready to use widgets, some of which are: a text entry
field, a scrolling list, a selection list, an alphalist, a pull-down
menu, a radio list, a viewer widget, and a dialog box.


Common Lisp is a high-level, all-purpose programming language. CLISP is
an implementation of Common Lisp that closely follows the book "Common
Lisp - The Language" by Guy L. Steele Jr. This package includes an
interactive programming environment with an interpreter, a compiler,
and a debugger. Start this environment with the command 'clisp'.

CLISP documentation is placed in the following directories:



As well as the conventional CLISP, this package also includes CLX, an
extension of CLISP for the X Window System. The X Window System must be
installed before running the clx command. The description of this CLX
version (new-clx) is placed in


with the file README. The subdirectory


contains two nice applications.

992 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2024-03-21
2 commits in Publishing:TeXLive
2 comments written
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