Christian Wittmer's avatar

Christian Wittmer


Involved Projects and Packages

This project hosts openSource ERP Systems

Maintainer Bugowner

Basis-ERP-System mit Artikeln, Waren, Kunden, Liefer­anten, Lager, Angebote, Rech­nungen, Mahn­wesen, Buchungs­vor­be­reitung für die Fibu, Kontakte mit grundlegenden CRM-Funktionen und noch einiges mehr.

Maintainer Bugowner

Project for evaluation of kivitendo updates

Maintainer Bugowner

This project collects various issue tracking systems like:

- OTRS :

Maintainer Bugowner

A fork based on ((OTRS)) Community Edition.
Since the latest OTRS community editon 6 went EOL without having any update ...
... it is time to change to a supported community edition.
OTOBO provides a migration tool from OTRS 6.0.x to OTOBO 10.0.7

OTOBO is a Ticket Request System with many features to manage
customer telephone calls and e-mails.

Feature list: see README
Authors list: see CREDITS

Maintainer Bugowner

Project for evaluation of otobo updates

++++++++++ Note: We are going to change the version format of the modules. See for context ++++++++++

Perl and a large number of important perl modules and tools.

Module updates from CPAN are regularly checked (with scripts from and ) and put into .

Please check first before doing your own update! An updated version of the module might already be there, just that there is no submit request yet.

How to submit a new module here:

This module provides tools that help to implement the "inside out object"
class structure in a convenient and standard way.

Damian Conway

The Compress::Bzip2 module provides a Perl interface to the Bzip2 compression library (see "AUTHOR" for details about where to get Bzip2). A relevant subset of the functionality provided by Bzip2 is available in Compress::Bzip2.

'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' provides an interface to the in-memory
compression/uncompression functions from the bzip2 compression library.

Although the primary purpose for the existence of 'Compress::Raw::Bzip2' is
for use by the 'IO::Compress::Bzip2' and 'IO::Compress::Bunzip2' modules,
it can be used on its own for simple compression/uncompression tasks.

Data-Denter module for perl

Data::Denter is yet another Perl data serializer/deserializer.
It formats nested data structures in an indented fashion.
It is optimized for human readability/editability, safe deserialization,
and (eventually) speed.

Author: Brian Ingerson

This module implements most of strptime(3), the POSIX function that is the
reverse of strftime(3), for DateTime. While strftime takes a DateTime and a
pattern and returns a string, strptime takes a string and a pattern and
returns the DateTime object associated.

Rick Measham

File::Temp can be used to create and open temporary files in a safe way. There is both a function interface and an object-oriented interface. The File::Temp constructor or the tempfile() function can be used to return the name and the open filehandle of a temporary file. The tempdir() function can be used to create a temporary directory.

By default, this module exports a single function: prompt(). It prompts the
user to enter some input, and returns an object that represents the user input.

You may specify various flags to the function to affect its behaviour; most
notably, it defaults to automatically chomp the input, unless the -line
flag is specified.

Note that this is an interim re-release. A full release with better
documentation will follow in the near future. Meanwhile, please consult
the 'examples/' directory from this module`s CPAN distribution to better
understand how to make use of this module.

Author: Damian Conway

This is an internationalization library for Perl that aims to be compatible with the Uniforum message translations system as implemented for example in GNU gettext.

Mail::RFC822::Address validates email addresses against the grammar described in
RFC 822 using regular expressions. How to validate a user supplied email address
is a FAQ (see perlfaq9): the only sure way to see if a supplied email address is
genuine is to send an email to it and see if the user recieves it. The one useful
check that can be performed on an address is to check that the email address is
syntactically valid. That is what this module does.

This module is functionally equivalent to RFC::RFC822::Address, but uses regular
expressions rather than the Parse::RecDescent parser. This means that startup
time is greatly reduced making it suitable for use in transient scripts such
as CGI scripts

Author: Paul Warren

Package::Constants lists all the constants defined in a certain package.
This can be useful for, among others, setting up an
autogenerated @EXPORT/@EXPORT_OK for a file.

Author: Jos Boumans

Maintainer Bugowner

This module creates and manipulates PAR distributions. They are architecture-
specific PAR files, containing everything under blib/ of CPAN distributions
after their make or Build stage, a META.yml describing metadata of the
original CPAN distribution, and a MANIFEST detailing all files within it.
Digitally signed PAR distributions will also contain a SIGNATURE file.

Perl interface to the unix process table.

Author: D. Urist

Sys::SigAction provides EASY access to POSIX::sigaction()
for signal handling on systems the support sigaction().

perldoc Sys::SigAction for more information.

Author: Lincoln A. Baxter

Thread::Pool::Simple provides a simple thread-pool implementaion
without external dependencies outside core modules.

This module generalises the mechanism of the wantarray
function, allowing a function to determine in some detail
how its return value is going to be immediately used.

Author: Robin Houston,

Thanks to Damian Conway for encouragement and good suggestions.

The 'Workflow' Perl module implements a standalone workflow system. It
aims to be simple but flexible and therefore powerful. Each piece of
the workflow system has a direct and easily stated job, and hopefully
you`ll find that you can put the pieces together to create very useful

Read 'perldoc Workflow' for a more detailed introduction, sample usage,
interactions with your applications, and more.

Authors: Chris Winters

Maintainer: Jonas B. Nielsen

This is a very simple filter. One common cause of grief (and programmer error)
is that XML parsers aren`t required to provide character events in one chunk.
They can, but are not forced to, and most don`t. This filter does the trivial
but oft-repeated task of putting all characters into a single event.

Author: Robin Berjon

425 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2023-12-17
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