Christian Wittmer's avatar

Christian Wittmer


Involved Projects and Packages

This daemon can be used to run nagios plug-ins on a remote machine for
executing local checks. This package contains the software for both
client and server.

The purpose of this add-on is to allow the execution of NetSaint and
Nagios plug-ins on a remote host in a manner that is as transparent as
possible. This is the server part including the daemon without the
client program.

These plug-ins are needed for Nagios checks.

NagiosQL is a web based administration tool for nagios 2.x.
It helps you to easy build a complex configuration with all options,
manage them and use them.
NagiosQL needs a webserver with php, MySQL and

!! write access to the nagios configuration files. !!

Author: Martin Willisegger

The Isotemplate API is somewhat tricky for a beginner although it is the best
one you can build. template::parse() [phplib template = Isotemplate] requests
you to name a source and a target where the current block gets parsed into.
Source and target can be block names or even handler names. This API gives you
a maximum of fexibility but you always have to know what you do which is
quite unusual for php skripter like me.

I noticed that I do not any control on which block gets parsed into which one.
If all blocks are within one file, the script knows how they are nested and in
which way you have to parse them. IT knows that inner1 is a child of block2,
there`s no need to tell him about this.
Features :
* Nested blocks
* Include external file
* Custom tags format (default {mytag})

HTML_Template_ITX :
With this class you get the full power of the phplib template class.
You may have one file with blocks in it but you have as well one main file
and multiple files one for each block. This is quite usefull when you have
user configurable websites. Using blocks not in the main template allows
you to modify some parts of your layout easily.

Ulf Wendel
Pierre-Alain Joye


This is a module that allows PAM aware applications to authenticate users through
a MySQL database.

Maintainer Bugowner

The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open-
source software platform which supports distributed computing, primarily in
the form of "volunteer" computing and "desktop Grid" computing. It is well
suited for problems which are often described as "trivially parallel". BOINC
is the underlying software used by projects such as SETI@home, Einstein@Home,, the World Community Grid, and many other distributed
computing projects.

This package installs the BOINC client software, which will allow your
computer to participate in one or more BOINC projects, using your spare
computer time to search for cures for diseases, model protein folding, study
global warming, discover sources of gravitational waves, and many other types
of scientific and mathematical research.

Maintainer Bugowner

ddclient is a small full-featured client requiring only Perl. Supported
features include daemon operation, manual and automatic updates, static
and dynamic updates, optimized updates for multiple addresses, MX, wild
cards, abuse avoidance, retry for failed updates, and status updates to
syslog and through e-mail. ddclient can obtain the IP address from any
interface, through a Web-based IP detection service, and for multiple
routers using custom FW definitions. It also provides full support for's NIC2 protocol. Support is also included for other dynamic
DNS services. Comes with sample scripts for use with DHCP, PPP, and

Maintainer Bugowner

ProFTPD is a highly configurable FTP daemon for Unix and Unix-like
operating systems. See the README.ports file for more details about
the platforms on which ProFTPD in known or thought to build and run.

Maintainer Bugowner

This project provides STABLE otrs packages.

Therefore Upcoming packages for FACTORY.


OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails. It is distributed under the GNU AFFERO General Public License (AGPL) and tested on Linux, Solaris, AIX, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Mac OS 10.x. Do you receive many e-mails and want to answer them with a team of agents? You're going to love OTRS!

Feature list: see README
Authors list: see CREDITS

Maintainer Bugowner

This project will hold the latest 5.0.x versions

Maintainer Bugowner

This project will hold the latest 6.0.x versions

Maintainer Bugowner

This project provides actual 5.x OTRS packages. We test it here first.
They may be broken at any time.

So use them at your own risk. :)

Maintainer Bugowner

OTRS is an Open source Ticket Request System with many features to manage customer telephone calls and e-mails. It is distributed under the GNU AFFERO General Public License (AGPL) and tested on Linux, Solaris, AIX, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Mac OS 10.x. Do you receive many e-mails and want to answer them with a team of agents? You're going to love OTRS!

Feature list: see README
Authors list: see CREDITS


If your software speaks SS7, ISDN, IAX, RTP, SRTP, Jingle, H.323, H.324, H.325, MGCP or SIP then it probably belongs in here.


Lire is the versatile log analyser. It can generate
useful reports from most of the network services you can find on the
typical internet server: email, dns, web, ftp, print services,
database, firewall, proxy, etc. More than 34 log formats are supported.

It can generate report in various output formats and can be easily
extended to support new log formats or add new reports.

It only includes the dependencies required for most of the output
formats (Text, HTML, Excel95). You need to install tetex-latex and
ghostscript packages to generate DVI, PS or PDF output formats.


A free, GPL, non-interactive software package for producing plots, charts, and graphics from data. It was developed in a Unix/C environment and runs on various Unix, Linux, and win32 systems.
ploticus is good for automated or just-in-time graph generation, handles date and time data nicely, and has basic statistical capabilities. It allows significant user control over colors, styles, options and details.


Cntlm is a fast and efficient NTLM proxy, with support for TCP/IP tunneling,
authenticated connection caching, ACLs, proper daemon logging and behaviour
and much more. It has up to ten times faster responses than similar NTLM
proxies, while using by orders or magnitude less RAM and CPU. Manual page
contains detailed information.

Contact: David Kubicek

This module implements some sane defaults for Perl programs, as defined
by two typical (or not so typical - use your common sense) specimens of
Perl coders.

The basic philosophy behind the choices made in common::sense can be summarised
as: "enforcing strict policies to catch as many bugs as possible, while at the
same time, not limiting the expressive power available to the programmer".

Module::Signature adds cryptographic authentications to CPAN distributions,
via the special SIGNATURE file.

This module has only one function, which is also exported by default:

Assigns a new name to referenced sub. If package specification is
omitted in the name, then the current package is used. The return value
is the sub.

The name is only used for informative routines (caller, Carp, etc). You
won't be able to actually invoke the sub by the given name. To allow
that, you need to do glob-assignment yourself.

Note that for anonymous closures (subs that reference lexicals declared
outside the sub itself) you can name each instance of the closure
differently, which can be very useful for debugging.

If you don't know anything about automated testing in Perl then you should
probably read about Test::Simple and Test::More before preceding.
Test::Deep uses the Test::Builder framework.
Test::Deep gives you very flexible ways to check that the result you got
is the result you were expecting. At it's simplest it compares two
structures by going through each level, ensuring that the values match,
that arrays and hashes have the same elements and that references are
blessed into the correct class. It also handles circular data structures
without getting caught in an infinite loop.

The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is an open-
source software platform which supports distributed computing, primarily in
the form of "volunteer" computing and "desktop Grid" computing. It is well
suited for problems which are often described as "trivially parallel". BOINC
is the underlying software used by projects such as SETI@home, Einstein@Home,, the World Community Grid, and many other distributed
computing projects.

This package installs the BOINC client software, which will allow your
computer to participate in one or more BOINC projects, using your spare
computer time to search for cures for diseases, model protein folding, study
global warming, discover sources of gravitational waves, and many other types
of scientific and mathematical research.

425 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2023-12-17
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