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David Rankin


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner

Supplemental RPMS for openSUSE releases that fill voids left by the official release and not otherwise provided by the OBS repositories.

THIS PACKAGE DATES FROM THE RELEASE OF 11.1. (it may be just what you need)

I have built the same packages here to make the rpms available at http://download.opensuse.org/home:/drankinatty to host the rpms I have created. This was my first attempt with buildservice. The x86_64 rpms built on the first try, but for some reason the i586 rpms failed. I did nothing more than tell build service to build the i586 rpms again and it worked fine. Go figure..

This package contains the menu selection component icons for YaST2 using the Qt3 toolkit.

Maintainer Bugowner

Very powerful fax server.

35 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2024-01-11
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