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Edgar Aichinger


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner

abc2prt is a simple tool to extract parts from multivoice ABC music files.

I wrote it because it's often desirable to give singers their own part in
addition to the complete score. I know that Perl scripts exist that do the
trick, and Unix users will be happy with them. However, installing Perl on a
Windows machine only for running a script is quite an overkill.

Author: Guido Gonzato


abcpp is a simple yet powerful preprocessor designed for, but not limited
to, ABC music files. It allows the user to write portable ABC files, change
the syntax, extract parts, etc.


abctab2ps is a music and tablature typesetting program which translates an input file
in the abc language into postscript. It is based on Michael Methfessel's program abc2ps.
While abc2ps can only typeset music, abctab2ps is an extension by Christoph Dalitz that
can also handle lute tablature.

Christoph Dalitz


flabc is an editor that can be used for writing abc files. The prefix "fl" is an
allusion to the FLTK programming library which is used by flabc.

Christoph Dalitz

Maintainer Bugowner

Tab is a program to typset lute tablature, for renaissance and baroque
lutes and theorboes, in French and Italian notation. It works like TeX
in that a plain text file (that bears little resemblance to the desired
output) is created and processed into a device independent printer
format file. The standard output format is PostScript, which laserwriter
printers print.

With the dvi option this file can be previewed with a dvi previewer
and formatted for your printer with a dvi to printer filter, which is
not included in this package.

This program is not particularly beginner-friendly, but is quite fast
once you have gotten used to it.


This is a program for stretching the audio. It is suitable only for extreme
sound stretching of the audio (like 50x) and for applying special effects by
"spectral smoothing" the sounds. It can transform any sound/music to a texture.
The program is Open-Source and it's released under the version 2 of the General
Public License. You can download the source code for Linux or the Windows

Please note that this is suitable only for extreme time stretching (e.g. if
have a melody of 3 minutes and you want to listen it in 3 hours). If you want
"less extreme" time stretching, you can use a program which contains the
SoundTouch library.

Nasca Octavian Paul


Runabc is a graphical user interface to several command line driven
programs for processing abc files. It is written in Tcl/Tk script
and will run on any computer or operating system in which Tcl/Tk
is installed. This includes Windows, Unix, Linux and Macintosh.

The script now provides graphical user interfaces to abc2abc,
abc2midi, abc2ps, abcm2ps and yaps. You also need a midi player
and a postscript viewer.

James Allwright, Seymour Shlien

Simple Sysexxer is a small tool that lets you exchange sysex data with your
MIDI devices. The most important idea is to make backups of the memory of
your devices. If you have spent nights over nights to get this killer sound
out of your synth it will be lost as soon as its battery gets low.

Furthermore it is common to share synth sounds and MIDI device settigns over
the internet. You can use Simple Sysexxer to send sysex files found on the
internet to your device. Please note: If the sounds are in MIDI or LIB
format, Simple Sysexxer cannot handle them. Ask the author to provide his
files in sysex format. If you got sysex in MIDI format, try using a
sequencer like Rosegarden or MusE to send it to your device.

All this is not only valid for synthesizers but for guitar amp emulators,
effects processors, MIDI controllers like faderboxes and footpedals as well.

Simple Sysexxer is ALSA only, there's no OSS support.

Christoph Eckert


TAPIIR is a software implementation of a flexible multi-delay, that aims to
combine flexibility and high accuracy with high quality audio and usability.

TAPIIR internal processing modules consist of six delay-lines, each with a
mixer at it's input and a gain control at it's output, and a stereo output
mixer. Stereo input from an external source, typically a musical instrument,
is routed to all input mixers. In addition to this, the output of each delay
line is also routed to the input mixers of all delay lines, including itself.

This cross-feeding of audio signals throughout the system of delay-lines and
mixers, allows the user to create a very large variety of stereo delay effects.
Very simple echos or ping-pong effects can be achieved easily, but more complex
effects such as early reflection echo's, reverbs, complex rhythmic and
arrhythmic patterns and even Karplus-Strong like synthesis is also possible.
It is important to observe, that these more complex effects are only possible
by using sample accurate processing.

Maarten de Boer


tclabc is designed to help on writing music in ABC notation, especially on
Unix systems. It requires Tcl/Tk (8.2 or newer), and a C compiler.

It contains two main parts:

- a Tcl extension, written in C, which translates ABC to/from TCL
variables, and helps for tune navigation/modification.

- a Tk graphical interface which permits creation or modification of
tunes, using the previous extension.


QLC+ is a free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc.
This project is a fork of the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila that aims to continue the development of QLC and to introduce new features.
The primary goal is to bring QLC+ at the level of other lighting control commercial softwares.
QLC+ runs on Linux, Windows, OSX and the Raspberry Pi.


abcm2ps is a package which converts music tunes from ABC format to
PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developped mainly to print
barock organ scores which have independant voices played on one or many
keyboards and a pedal-board. abcm2ps introduces many extensions to the ABC
language that make it suitable for classical music.


Giada is a minimal, hardcore audio tool for DJs and live performers. Load or
record up to 32 samples, choose to play them in single mode (drum machine) or
loop mode (sequencer), and start the show with your computer keyboard as a

Professional-grade audio sampler alternative to Gigasampler


Xjadeo is a very simple video player that gets sync from jack. When a
sequencer like Muse or Rosegarden acts as a timebase master, xjadeo
will display the video frame in sync with the sequencer
transport. This means that you can visually synchronize an audio event
with a certain frame in the movie, which comes quite handy when you
want to create a soundtrack for a video clip.


C++ library for loading and modifying Gigasampler and DLS files.


non-ntk is a fork of the FLTK UI toolkit. It employs cairo support and
other additions not accepted upstream. It is currently used by the non-*
audio suite of programs.


This repository provides all tools, plugins and softwares for a professional DAW based on openSUSE.

If you want to contribute, please read our packaging guidelines at http://geekoswiki.tuxfamily.org/doku.php?id=en:packaging_conventions

The abcMIDI package contains four programs: abc2midi to convert ABC music
notation to midi, midi2abc to convert midi files to (a first approximation
to) the corresponding ABC, abc2abc to reformat and/or transpose ABC files,
and yaps to typeset ABC files as PostScript.

For a description of the abc syntax, please see the abc userguide
which is a part of the abc2mtex package written by Chris Walshaw.

Denemo is a graphical music notation program written in C with
gtk+. As of April 2000, it is an official part of the GNU project

It is intended to be used in conjunction with GNU Lilypond
(https://lilypond.org/), but is adaptable to other computer-music-
related purposes as well.


If Puredata and Supercollider are two synths, din is a synth of a 3rd kind.
It forgets history, to not repeat it. It doesnt hide analog music hardware,
in digital music software.

You had pulse, sine, triangle and sawtooth, and went forth and made electronic
music. Now there is just the Bezier curve. Go make your pulse, sine, triangle
and sawtooths. Or something else.

This is nothing new. Some old men did it in the 60s! Punched numbers into
cards. Now you edit waveforms in a GUI, and watch the sound change before your
very ears.

Has it got ADSR? Its got DADSARSADS.
Filters? Infinite length delay lines. With Bezier envelope for feedback and
Modulation? Bezier on Carrier and Modulator. Eat that Chowning.
Notes? Notes! Notes! Notes! Infinite microtones between two tones.
Livecoding? In Tcl. Like LISP, but no ((((:-))))
Collaboration? MIDI. OSC. IRC.

I want two!
Get it while its free.

jack_capture is a small program to capture whatever
sound is going out to your speakers into a file.

Author: Kjetil S. Matheussen

New Session Manager (NSM) is a tool to assist music production by grouping standalone programs into sessions. Your workflow becomes easy to manage, robust and fast by leveraging the full potential of cooperative applications.

It is a community version of the "NON Session Manager" and free in every sense of the word: free of cost, free to share and use, free of spyware or ads, free-and-open-source.

You can create a session, or project, add programs to it and then use commands to save, start/stop, hide/show all programs at once, or individually. At a later date you can then re-open the session and continue where you left off.

All files belonging to the session will be saved in the same directory.

If you are a user (and not a programmer or packager) everything you need is to install NSM through your distributions package manager and Agordejo as a GUI (see below).

To learn NSM you don't need to know the background information from our documentation, which is aimed at developers that want to implement NSM support in their programs. Learn the GUI, not the server and protocol.

1164 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2023-06-15
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