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Involved Projects and Packages

This package is based on the package 'freeimage' from project 'home:mithro:stock'.

This package is based on the package 'libdevil' from project 'home:mithro:stock'.

This package is based on the package 'lua5.1' from project 'home:mithro:stock'.


This package is based on the package 'xerces-c2' from project 'home:mithro:stock'.

This package is based on the package 'zziplib' from project 'home:mithro:stock'.

Maintainer Bugowner

Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The
emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library.
One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference
implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual
standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed for
inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard
Library Technical Report.

Although Boost was begun by members of the C++ Standards Committee
Library Working Group, membership has expanded to include nearly two
thousand members of the C++ community at large.

This package is mainly needed for updating from a prior version, the
dynamic libraries are found in their respective package. For
development using Boost, you also need the boost-devel package. For
documentation, see the boost-doc package.

Boost Jam is a build tool based on FTJam, which in turn is based on
Perforce Jam. It contains significant improvements made to facilitate
its use in the Boost Build System, but should be backward compatible
with Perforce Jam.

The bzip2 program is a very powerful program for compressing files.

Expat is an XML 1.0 parser written in C. It aims to be fully
conformant. It is currently not a validating XML processor. The current
production version of expat can be downloaded from The directory xmltok contains a
low-level library for tokenizing XML. The interface is documented in
xmltok/xmltok.h. The directory xmlparse contains an XML parser library
that is built on top of the xmltok library. The interface is documented
in xmlparse/xmlparse.h. The directory sample contains a simple example
program using this interface. The directory sample/build.bat is a batch
file to build the example using Visual C++. The directory xmlwf
contains the xmlwf application, which uses the xmlparse library. The
arguments to xmlwf are one or more files to check for well-formedness.
An option -d dir can be specified. For each well-formed input file, the
corresponding canonical XML is written to dir/f, where f is the
filename (without any path) of the input file. A -x option causes
references to external general entities to be processed. A -s option
makes documents that are not stand-alone cause an error (a document is
considered stand-alone if it is intrinsically stand-alone because it
has no external subset and no references to parameter entities in the
internal subset or it is declared as stand-alone in the XML

Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from several
other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and PACX-MPI) in order to
build the best MPI library available.

This RPM contains all the tools necessary to compile, link, and run
Open MPI jobs.

Maintainer Bugowner

Python Ogre is a wrapper around the Ogre graphics engine allowing you to create cool games in the worlds best language.

This package is based on the package 'lua5.1' from project 'home:mithro:stock'.

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