Runa Inoue Anderson's avatar

Runa Inoue Anderson


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Reviewer Downloader

Repositori ini merupakan repositori komunitas yang dikelola oleh Runa Inoue (hiatus) dan James "Jim" Ed Randson untuk menghadirkan beberapa aplikasi yang tidak ada di repositori resmi.

This repository is a community repository maintained by Runa Inoue and James "Jim" Ed Randson to present several applications that are not in the official repository.

This is experimental repo of RISR for future distribute of any packages which has published on RISR and RISR Waydroid. DO NOT USE IF YOU'RE NOT EXPERINCED USERS!

Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer Downloader Reader

Sub-repositori ini merupakan repositori tidak resmi yang dapat digunakan untuk memasang Waydroid untuk pengguna openSUSE Tumbleweed dan openSUSE Slowroll. Anda dapat melihat guide cara memasangnya di URL yang dibagikan (dalam bahasa Inggris)

This sub-repository is unofficial repo for installing WayDroid on openSUSE Tumbleweed and openSUSE Slowroll. You can read an guide how to install on URL I'd share it.

RISR Waydroid now are also present in Leap 15.6 and will keep being featured in future for the last Leap versions, 16.0. Maintained by James "Jim" Ed Randson (@jimed-rand) under advise from Runa Inoue (@runa-chin)

118 contributions in the last year
Contributions on 2023-12-26
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