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Scott Bradnick


Check out Virtualization:WSL

Involved Projects and Packages

Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes. C++ version and continuation of bashtop and bpytop.

Easy to use, with a game inspired menu system.
Full mouse support, all buttons with a highlighted key is clickable and mouse scroll works in process list and menu boxes.
Fast and responsive UI with UP, DOWN keys process selection.
Function for showing detailed stats for selected process.
Ability to filter processes.
Easy switching between sorting options.
Tree view of processes.
Send any signal to selected process.
UI menu for changing all config file options.
Auto scaling graph for network usage.
Shows IO activity and speeds for disks
Battery meter
Selectable symbols for the graphs
Custom presets
And more...

The Guidelines Support Library (GSL) contains functions and types that are suggested for use by the C++ Core Guidelines maintained by the Standard C++ Foundation. This repo contains Microsoft's implementation of GSL.

The entire implementation is provided inline in the headers under the gsl directory. The implementation generally assumes a platform that implements C++14 support.

While some types have been broken out into their own headers (e.g. gsl/span), it is simplest to just include gsl/gsl and gain access to the entire library.

The SIMDe header-only library provides fast, portable implementations of SIMD intrinsics on hardware which doesn't natively support them, such as calling SSE functions on ARM. There is no performance penalty if the hardware supports the native implementation (e.g., SSE/AVX runs at full speed on x86, NEON on ARM, etc.).


A lightweight text editor written in Lua

* 20240408: 15.5 fails because the libgit2 version is too low (>= 1.7.1 work, see

* A standalone binary that provides an easy way of installing, and uninstalling
plugins from lite-xl, as well as different version of lite-xl.
* Can be used by a package manager plugin that works from inside the editor and
calls this binary.
* Also contains a plugin_manager.lua plugin to integrate the binary with lite
in the form of an easy-to-use GUI.
* By default in releases, lpm will automatically consume the manifest.json in
the latest branch of this repository, which corresponds to the most recent versioned release.
* Conforms to SCPS3.


WordGrinder is a Unicode-aware character cell word processor that runs in a terminal (or a Windows console). It is designed to get the hell out of your way and let you get some work done.


Image viewer. Fast, easy to use. Optional video support.


Packages maintained by ...

devel project maintainer for:
- Base:System / btop
- devel:libraries:c_c++ / ms-gsl
- devel:libraries:c_c++ / simde
- editors / lite-xl
- editors / lite-xl-plugin-manager
- editors / wordgrinder
- graphics / qimgv
- Linux-PAM / pam_ssh_agent_auth
- utilities / miller
- utilities / ranger
- utilities / ueberzugpp
- Virtualization / hyper-v-enhanced-session
- Virtualization:WSL / patterns-wsl
- X11:terminals / kitty
- X11:Utilities / multiload-ng
- X11:Utilities / xpra
- X11:Utilities / xpra-html5
- X11:XOrg / DirectX-Headers

This was created to test a copypac of YaST:SLE-15:SP4/yast2-firstboot to play nice with yast2-users

Testing adjustments for OBS -> IBS project sharing

This project was created for package openSUSE-Tumbleweed-JeOS via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package kitty via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package DirectX-Headers via attribute OBS:Maintained

Old[er], unused packages.

* linkpac'ing packages to be built with Python3.11 for Leap 15.5 & Leap 15.6.
* 15.5 needs packages from devel:tools:compiler/15.5 to have the required devel packages to build.
* Adding this repo to SLED15SP6 also works

* doesn't _require_ Python3.11 to build, so leaving python3-* "Requires" in place.

pam_ssh_agent_auth is a PAM module which permits PAM authentication via your
keyring in a forwarded ssh-agent (source switch to provide ed25519 & Yubikey support).


Miller (mlr) allows name-indexed data such as CSV and JSON files to be processed with functions equivalent to sed, awk, cut, join, sort etc. It can convert between formats, preserves headers when sorting or reversing, and streams data where possible so its memory requirements stay small.

It works well with pipes and can feed "tail -f".

Maintainer Bugowner

ranger is a console file manager with VI key bindings. It provides a minimalistic and nice curses interface with a view on the directory hierarchy. It ships with rifle, a file launcher that is good at automatically finding out which program to use for what file type. For mc aficionados there's also the multi-pane viewmode.


Ɯberzug++ is a C++ command line utility which allows to draw images
on terminals by using child windows or using sixel on supported
terminals. (This is a drop-in replacement for the now defunct
ueberzug project.)

Advantages over w3mimgdisplay and ueberzug:

- support for wayland (sway only)
- no race conditions as a new window is created to display images
- "expose" events will be processed, so that images will be
redrawn when switching workspaces
- tmux support on X11
- terminals without the WINDOWID environment variable are supported
- chars are used as position and size unit
- A lot of image formats are supported (through opencv and libvips)
- GIF and animated WEBP support on X11 and Sixel
- Resized images are cached for faster viewing

NOTE: The package is for SUSE VM guest installs in MS Hyper-V, generally when the "hyper-v"[] package is present.

* Completes pre-requisite setup for an openSUSE VM on Hyper-V to be able to use "Enhanced session".
* Works with lightdm, NOT sddm. gdm isn't an issue and is difficult to remove from a Gnome install.
* In PowerShell, run 'Set-VM -VMName <name of vm> -EnhancedSessionTransportType HvSocket' to enable.
* Provides /etc/xrdp/ to use in '$HOME'.


As of 20230831, building .appx images for:

- openSUSE Leap 15.4
- openSUSE Leap 15.5
- openSUSE Leap 15.6 (Alpha -> Beta)
- openSUSE Tumbleweed

Provides "wsl_base", "wsl_gui", and "wsl_systemd" patterns for recommended WSL/WSLg related packages and setup.


Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal

* 15.5 won't build because of a missing >= go1.21, probably because X11:terminals uses `openSUSE:Leap:15.5/standard` vs. `openSUSE:Leap:15.5:Update/standard` ... smb, 20240119
* 15.6 isn't an available option from X11:terminals, but I can get it to build ... smb, 20240329
* openSUSE_Factory/i586 isn't going to build (anymore?), should use openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86 but I can't adjust those settings in X11:terminals ... smb, 20240321

Modern graphical system monitor for any panel:

Multiload-ng is a modern graphical system monitor. It's a near-complete rewrite of the good old GNOME multiload applet, that aims to support every existing panel.

It supports the following panels:
- XFCE (xfce4-panel)
- LXDE (lxpanel)
- MATE (mate-panel)
- Ubuntu Unity (through libappindicator)
- Every panel with support for Application Indicators
- System tray (virtually any panel with a systray, in particular those without external plugins support, like tint2)
- Standalone (has its own window, not embedded in any panel)
- Avant Window Navigator (EXPERIMENTAL)

Multiload-ng can be built with GTK2 and GTK3, so can be embedded within GTK2/GTK3 builds of all the panels above.


NOTE: 15.5 and 15.6 _WILL_ build xpra w/ Python3.11 - see

Xpra is "screen for X": it allows you to run X programs, usually on a remote host, direct their display to your local machine, and then to disconnect from these programs and reconnect from the same or another machine, without losing any state. It gives you remote access to individual applications. Xpra is "rootless" or "seamless": programs you run under it show up on your desktop as regular programs, managed by your regular window manager. Sessions can be accessed over SSH, or password protected over plain TCP sockets. Xpra is usable over reasonably slow links and does its best to adapt to changing network bandwidth constraints.

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