Revisions of deno

Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1181796 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 44)
- update to 1.44.4:
  * Revert "chore: upgrade to reqwest 0.12.4 and rustls 0.22 (#24056)" (#24262)
  * fix(ext/node): Add Dirent.path and Dirent.parentPath (#24257)
  * fix(ext/node): Add SIGPOLL and SIGUNUSED signals (#24259)
  * fix(ext/node): use primordials in `ext/node/polyfills/_utils.ts` (#24253)
- includes 1.44.3:
  * feat(lsp): multi deno.json resolver scopes (#24206)
  * fix(cli): missing flag for --unstable-process (#24199)
  * fix(docs): correctly resolve href for built-ins (#24228)
  * fix(ext/console): bump default max str lengthto 10_00 (#24245)
  * fix(ext/http): actually await goAhead promise (#24226)
  * fix(ext/node): add missing BlockList & SocketAddress classes (#24229)
  * fix(ext/node): server.close() does graceful shutdown (#24184)
  * fix(ext/node): better support for node:diagnostics_channel module (#24088)
  * fix(ext/node): make process.versions own property (#24240)
  * fix(ext/node): use Deno.FsFile.statSync() (#24234)
  * fix(ext/permissions): add correct feature flags to winapi (#24218)
  * fix(ext/web): fix AbortSignal.timeout() leak (#23842)
  * fix(ext/webgpu): fix surface creation panic when adapter not
    initialized (#24201)
  * fix(inspector): crash on "Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns" (#24204)
  * fix(lsp): use import map from workspace root (#24246)
  * fix(napi): Read reference ownership before calling finalizer
    to avoid crash (#24203)
  * fix(no-slow-types): handle named type in mapped type (#24205)
  * fix(npm): use more relaxed package.json version constraint
    parsing (#24202)
  * fix(repl): prevent panic when deleting globalThis.closed property (#24014)
  * perf(lsp): store settings in Arc (#24191)
  * perf(node): ensure cjs wrapper module has deterministic output (#24248)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1181571 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 43)
- update to 1.44.2:
  * fix(lsp): respect editor indentation options (#24181)
  * fix(lsp): workspace jsr resolution (#24121)
  * fix(check): attempt to resolve types from pkg before @types pkg (#24152)
  * fix(cli): Explicitly cache NPM packages during deno install (#24190)
  * fix(cli): Overwrite existing bin entries in node_modules (#24123)
  * fix(ext/http): print [] around ipv6 addresses (#24150)
  * fix(ext/net): make node:http2 work with DENO_FUTURE=1 (#24144)
  * fix(ext/node): ServerResponse header array handling (#24149)
  * fix(ext/node): add crypto and zlib constants (#24151)
  * fix(ext/node): fix vm memory usage and context initialization (#23976)
  * fix(ext/node): lossy UTF-8 read node_modules files (#24140)
  * fix(ext/node): send data frame with end_stream flag on _final call (#24147)
  * fix(ext/node): support stdin child_process IPC & fd stdout/stderr (#24106)
  * fix(ext/web): correct string tag for MessageEvent (#24134)
  * fix(ext/websocket): correctly order messages when sending blobs (#24133)
  * fix(jupyter): Avoid panicking when DEBUG env var is set (#24168)
  * fix(lsp): don't sort workspace files (#24180)
  * fix(lsp): strip .js before probing for valid import fix (#24188)
  * fix(npm): resolve dynamic npm imports individually (#24170)
  * fix: Rewrite Node-API (#24101)
  * fix: clean up some node-api details (#24178)
  * fix: do not panic linting files with UTF-8 BOM (#24136)
  * fix: don't panic when cache is not available (#24175)
  * fix: make writing to the deps cache more reliable (#24135)
  * fix: potential hang on dynamic import (#24128)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1179595 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 42)
- update to 1.44.1
  * many changes since April 4, see GitHub releases for info
- add deno-rm-upgrade.patch (merged 2 patches)
- remove deno-disable-update-check.patch
- remove deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
- update to 1.42.1:
  * fix(check): ignore certain diagnostics in remote modules and
    when publishing (#23119)
  * fix(ext/node): support stdin: "inherit" in node:child_process (#23110)
  * fix(ext/node): use tty stdin from ext/io (#23044)
  * fix(jsr): exclude yanked versions from 'deno add' and completions (#23113)
  * fix(lsp): don't apply preload limit to workspace walk (#23123)
  * fix(lsp): implement missing ts server host apis (#23131)
  * fix(node): handle empty 'main' entry in pkg json (#23155)
  * fix(node): remove unwrap in op_require_node_module_paths (#23114)
  * fix: deno_graph 0.69.10 (#23147)
- update to 1.42.0:
  * feat(add): always produce multiline config file (#23077)
  * feat(ext/node): add riscv64 in process.arch (#23016)
  * feat(init): use jsr specifier for @std/assert (#23073)
  * feat(install): require -g / --global flag (#23060)
  * feat(lint): deno lint --fix and lsp quick fixes (#22615)
  * feat(lint): automatically opt-in packages to jsr lint tag (#23072)
  * feat(node): load ES modules defined as CJS (#22945)
  * feat(publish): check for uncommitted files in
    deno publish --dry-run (#22981)
  * feat(task): Task description in the form of comments (#23101)
  * feat(task): cross-platform shebang support (#23091)
  * feat(unstable/publish): error when a package's module is excluded from
    publishing (#22948)
  * feat: TypeScript 5.4 (#23086)
  * feat: add --watch-exclude flag (#21935)
  * feat: deno_task_shell 0.15 (#23019)
  * feat: remove deprecated methods from namespace with DENO_FUTURE=1 (#23075)
  * feat: type declarations for new Set methods (#23090)
  * fix(bench): Fix group header printing logic + don't filter 
    out the warmup benchmark (#23083)
  * fix(check): do not suggest running with --unstable (#23092)
  * fix(cli): output more detailed information for steps when 
    using JUnit reporter (#22797)
  * fix(cli): sanitizer should ignore count of ops started before 
    tests begin (#22932)
  * fix(coverage): Error if no files are included in the report (#22952)
  * fix(ext/fetch): do not truncate field value in EventSource (#22368)
  * fix(ext/fetch): make EventSource more robust (#22493)
  * fix(ext/node): ECDH.publicKey() point encoding (#23013)
  * fix(ext/node): FsWatcher ref and unref (#22987)
  * fix(ext/node): Reimplement StringDecoder to match node's behavior (#22933)
  * fix(ext/node): add crypto.getRandomValues (#23028)
  * fix(ext/node): add crypto.subtle (#23027)
  * fix(ext/node): add process.setSourceMapsEnabled noop (#22993)
  * fix(ext/node): handle KeyObject in prepareAsymmetricKey (#23026)
  * fix(ext/node): handle null in stdio array (#23048)
  * fix(ext/node): implement EventEmitterAsyncResource (#22994)
  * fix(ext/node): implement v8 serialize and deserialize (#22975)
  * fix(ext/node): panic in op_node_ecdh_generate_keys (#23011)
  * fix(ext/node): pass normalized watchFile handler to StatWatcher (#22940)
  * fix(ext/node): spread args in setImmediate (#22998)
  * fix(ext/node): support Diffie-Hellman key type in
    crypto.createPrivateKey() (#22984)
  * fix(ext/node): support MessagePort in WorkerOptions.workerData (#22950)
  * fix(ext/node): support public key point encoding in ECDH.
    generateKeys() (#22976)
  * fix(ext/node): worker_threads ESM handling (#22841)
  * fix(ext/node): worker_threads doesn't exit if there are 
    message listeners (#22944)
  * fix(ext/web): Fix structuredClone Web API type declaration
    (any -> generic) (#22968)
  * fix(jupyter): Do not increase counter if store_history=false (#20848)
  * fix(lsp): decoding percent-encoding(non-ASCII) file path correctly (#22582)
  * fix(lsp): prefer cache over tsc quick fixes (#23093)
  * fix(lsp): use registry cache for completion search (#23094)
  * fix(runtime): use FQDN in NetDescriptor (#23084)
  * fix: do not memoize Deno.ppid (#23006)
  * fix: don't panic in test and bench if ops not available (#23055)
  * fix: handle cache body file not existing when using etag (#22931)
  * fix: less aggressive vendor folder ignoring (#23100)
  * perf: warm expensive init code at snapshot time (#22714)
- includes 1.41.3:
  * fix(cli): occasional panics on progress bar (#22809)
  * fix(cli): show asserts before leaks (#22904)
  * fix(cli): unbreak extension example and fix __runtime_js_sources (#22906)
  * fix(cli): use Instant for test times (#22853)
  * fix(config): add unstable features as examples to config schema (#22814)
  * fix(config): remove pkg name example and add pattern to schema (#22813)
  * fix(ext/node): add more named curves in
    crypto.generateKeyPair[Sync]() (#22882)
  * fix(ext/node) implement receiveMessageOnPort for node:worker_threads (#22766)
  * fix(ext/node): DH (dhKeyAgreement) support for createPrivateKey (#22891)
  * fix(ext/node): Add Immediate class to mirror NodeJS.Immediate (#22808)
  * fix(ext/node): Implement isBuiltin in node:module (#22817)
  * fix(ext/node): Match punycode module behavior to node (#22847)
  * fix(ext/node): Support private EC key signing (#22914)
  * fix(ext/node): allow automatic worker_thread termination (#22647)
  * fix(ext/node): crypto.getCipherInfo() (#22916)
  * fix(ext/node): flush brotli decompression stream (#22856)
  * fix(ext/node): initial crypto.createPublicKey() support (#22509)
  * fix(ext/node): make worker ids sequential (#22884)
  * fix(ext/node): make worker setup synchronous (#22815)
  * fix(ext/node): support spki format in createPublicKey (#22918)
  * fix(ext/node): support junction symlinks on Windows (#22762)
  * fix(ext/node): worker_threads.parentPort is updated on startup (#20794)
  * fix(ext/websocket): do not continue reading if socket rid closes (#21849)
  * fix(node): add nul byte to statfs path on windows (#22905)
  * fix(node): implement fs.statfs() (#22862)
  * fix(node): require of pkg json imports was broken (#22821)
  * fix(node): resolve .css files in npm packages when type checking (#22804)
  * fix(node): resolve types via package.json for directory import (#22878)
  * fix(node:http) Export validateHeaderName and 
    validateHeaderValue functions (#22616)
  * fix(publish): ability to un-exclude when .gitignore ignores 
    everything (#22805)
  * fix(publish): regression - publishing with vendor folder (#22830)
  * fix(publish): suggest using --allow-dirty on uncommitted changes (#22810)
  * fix(publish): typo in --allow-dirty help text (#22799)
  * fix(runtime): Restore default signal handler after user handlers are
    unregistered (#22757)
  * fix(runtime): negate partial condition for deny flags (#22866)
  * fix(slow-types): improved exports tracing and infer type 
    literals in as exprs (#22849)
  * fix: fix crate vulnerabilities (#22825)
  * fix: stop type checking during runtime (#22854)
  * fix: support sloppy resolution to file where directory exists (#22800)
  * fix: typo in error from GPUBuffer.prototype.mapAsync (#22913)
  * perf(permissions): Fast exit from checks when permission is 
    in "fully-granted" state (#22894)
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1156640 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 41)
- update to 1.41.2:
  * feat(lsp): include registry url in jsr import hover text (#22676)
  * feat(node/util): styleText (#22758)
  * feat(publish): add npm: suggestion for specifiers (#22343)
  * feat(unstable/pm): support npm packages in 'deno add' (#22715)
  * feat(unstable/pm): support version contraints in 'deno add' (#22646)
  * fix(ext/node): ref/unref on workers (#22778)
  * fix(cli): force flush output after test unloads (#22660)
  * fix(cli): improve logging on failed named pipe (#22726)
  * fix(cli): limit test parallelism on Windows to avoid pipe error (#22776)
  * fix(cli): remove possible deadlock in test channel (#22662)
  * fix(ext/node): add default methods to fs.StatsBase (#22750)
  * fix(ext/node): http2.createServer (#22708)
  * fix(ext/node): strip --enable-source-maps from argv (#22743)
  * fix(lsp): do not warn about local file "redirects" from .js
    to .d.ts files (#22670)
  * fix(lsp): don't apply renames to remote modules (#22765)
  * fix(lsp): ignore code errors when type passes for
    non-@deno-types reolution (#22682)
  * fix(lsp): output more information on error (#22665)
  * fix(lsp): regression - caching in lsp broken when config 
    with imports has comments (#22666)
  * fix(node): errno property when command missing (#22691)
  * fix(node): implement ALS enterWith (#22740)
  * fix(node): improve cjs tracking (#22673)
  * fix(node): stat/statSync returns instance of fs.Stats (#22294)
  * fix(publish): do not include .gitignore (#22789)
  * fix(publish): include explicitly specified .gitignored files 
    and directories (#22790)
  * fix(publish): make include and exclude work (#22720)
  * fix(publish): permissionless dry-run in GHA (#22679)
  * fix(publish): properly display graph validation errors (#22775)
  * fix(publish): reland error if there are uncommitted changes (#22613) (#22632)
  * fix(publish): silence warnings for sloppy imports and node 
    builtins with env var (#22760)
  * fix(tools/publish): correctly handle importing from self in 
    unfurling (#22774)
  * fix(unstable/publish): repect --no-check in no-slow-types (#22653)
  * fix: Provide source map for internal extension code (#22716)
  * fix: don't include source maps in release mode (#22751)
  * fix: point to correct WPT runner file (#22753)
  * fix: respect unstable "temporal" configuration in config file (#22134)
  * fix: update node process version to latest node LTS (#22709)
  * perf(cli): faster standalone executable determination (#22717)
  * perf(cli): use faster_hex (#22761)
  * perf(cli): use new deno_core timers (#22569)
  * perf(cli): hard link npm cache (#22773)
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1154924 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 40)
- update to 1.41.1:
  * feat(unstable): deno add subcommand (#22520)
  * feat(unstable/lsp): jsr specifier completions (#22612)
  * feat(unstable/publish): discover jsr.json and jsr.jsonc files (#22587)
  * feat(unstable/publish): enable package provenance by default 
    on github actions (#22635)
  * feat(unstable/publish): infer dependencies from package.json (#22563)
  * feat(unstable/publish): provenance attestation (#22573)
  * feat(unstable/publish): respect .gitignore during deno publish (#22514)
  * feat(unstable/publish): support sloppy imports and bare node 
    built-ins (#22588)
  * fix(compile): add aarch64 linux to CliOptions::npm_system_info (#22567)
  * fix(compile): allow to compile for ARM linux (#22542)
  * fix(ext/crypto): align the return type of crypto.randomUUID to
  * cli/tsc/dts/lib.dom.d.ts (#22465)
  * fix(ext/node) add node http methods (#22630)
  * fix(ext/node): init arch, pid, platform at startup (#22561)
  * fix(ext/node): set correct process.argv0 (#22555)
  * fix(io): create_named_pipe parallelism (#22597)
  * fix(jsr): do not allow importing a non-JSR url via
    unanalyzable dynamic import from JSR (#22623)
  * fix(jsr): relative dynamic imports in jsr packages (#22624)
  * fix(lsp): import map expansion (#22553)
  * fix(publish): disable provenance if not in GHA (#22638)
  * fix(publish): make the already published message look like a 
    warning (#22620)
  * fix(publish): print a warning when .jsx or .tsx is imported (#22631)
  * fix(publish): reduce warnings about dynamic imports (#22636)
  * fix(test): ensure that pre- and post-test output is flushed 
    at the appropriate times (#22611)
  * fix(unstable): add Date#toTemporalInstant type (#22637)
  * fix(unstable): sloppy imports should resolve .d.ts files 
    during types resolution (#22602)
  * perf(cli): reduce overhead in test registration (#22552)
  * perf(fmt): reduce memory usage and improve performance (#22570)
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1149662 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 39)
- update to 1.41.0:
  * BREAKING(net/unstable): remove Deno.DatagramConn.rid (#22475)
  * BREAKING(unstable): remove Deno.HttpClient.rid (#22075)
  * BREAKING: add Deno.CreateHttpClientOptions.{cert,key} (#22280)
  * feat(fs): Deno.FsFile.{isTerminal,setRaw}() (#22234)
  * feat(lsp): auto-import completions for jsr specifiers (#22462)
  * feat(publish): type check on publish (#22506)
  * feat(unstable): single checksum per JSR package in the lockfile (#22421)
  * feat(unstable/lint): no-slow-types for JSR packages (#22430)
  * feat: Deno.ConnectTlsOptions.{cert,key} (#22274)
  * fix(compile): respect compiler options for emit (#22521)
  * fix(ext/fs): make errors in tempfile creation clearer (#22498)
  * fix(ext/node): pass alpnProtocols to Deno.startTls (#22512)
  * fix(ext/node): permission prompt for missing process.env
    permissions (#22487)
  * fix(fmt): remove debug output when formatting dynamic imports (#22433)
  * fix(lsp): add schema for JSR related config options (#22497)
  * fix(node/test): disable Deno test sanitizers (#22480)
  * fix(publish): better no-slow-types type discovery (#22517)
  * fix(publish): ignore .DS_Store while publishing (#22478)
  * fix(publish): print files that will be published (#22495)
  * fix: util.parseArgs() missing node:process import (#22405)
  * fix: write lockfile in deno info (#22272)
  * perf(jsr): fast check cache and lazy fast check graph (#22485)
  * perf: linter lsp memory leak fix and deno_graph executor (#22519)
  * perf: strip denort on unix (#22426)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1146964 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 38)
- update to 1.40.5:
  * feat(lsp): jsr support first pass (#22382)
  * feat(lsp): jsr support with cache probing (#22418)
  * feat(publish): allow passing config flag (#22416)
  * feat(unstable): define config in publish url (#22406)
  * perf: denort binary for deno compile (#22205)
  * fix(console): support NO_COLOR and colors option in
    all scenarios (#21910)
  * fix(ext/node): export process.umask (#22348)
  * fix(ext/web): Prevent (De-)CompressionStream resource leak on
    stream cancellation (#21199)
  * fix(lsp): complete npm specifier versions correctly (#22332)
  * fix: cache bust jsr deps on constraint failure (#22372)
  * fix: handle non-file scopes in synthetic import map (#22361)
  * fix: lockfile was sometimes getting corrupt when changing
    config deps (#22359)
  * fix: upgrade to deno_ast 0.33 (#22341)
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1127377 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 36)
- update to 1.38.2:
  * feat(ext/web): add AbortSignal.any() (#21087)
  * feat(lsp): upgrade check on init and notification (#21105)
  * fix(cli): Allow executable name start with digit (#21214)
  * fix(doc): issue discovering re-exports of re-exports sometimes (#21223)
  * fix(ext/node): Re-enable alloc max size test (#21059)
  * fix(ext/node): add APIs perf_hook.performance (#21192)
  * fix(ext/node): implement process.geteuid (#21151)
  * fix(ext/web): Prevent TextDecoderStream resource leak on
    stream cancellation (#21074)
  * fix(ext/web): webstorage has trap for symbol (#21090)
  * fix(install): should work with non-existent relative root (#21161)
  * fix(lsp): update tsconfig after refreshing settings on init (#21170)
  * fix(node/http): export globalAgent (#21081)
  * fix(npm): support cjs entrypoint in node_modules folder (#21224)
  * fix(runtime): fix Deno.noColor when stdout is not tty (#21208)
  * fix: improve deno doc --lint error messages (#21156)
  * fix: use short git hash for deno version (#21218)
  * perf(cli): strace mode for ops (undocumented) (#21131)
  * perf(ext/http): Object pooling for HttpRecord and HeaderMap (#20809)
  * perf: lazy bootstrap options - first pass (#21164)
  * perf: move jupyter esm out of main snapshot (#21163)
  * perf: snapshot runtime ops (#21127)
  * perf: static bootstrap options in snapshot (#21213)
- rebase deno-disable-update-check.patch
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1125113 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 35)
- update to 1.38.1:
  * feat(ext/kv): increase checks limit (#21055)
  * fix small Deno.createHttpClient typo in lib.deno.unstable.d.ts (#21115)
  * fix(byonm): correct resolution for scoped packages (#21083)
  * fix(core/types): Promise.withResolvers: Unmark callback param
    as optional (#21085)
  * fix(cron): update Deno.cron doc example (#21078)
  * fix(doc): deno doc --lint mod.ts should output how many files checked
  * fix(doc): require source files if --html or --lint used (#21072)
  * fix(ext): use String#toWellFormed in ext/webidl and ext/node (#21054)
  * fix(ext/fetch): re-align return type in op_fetch docstring (#21098)
  * fix(ext/http): Throwing Error if the return value of
    Deno.serve handler is not a Response class (#21099)
  * fix(node): cjs export analysis should probe for json files (#21113)
  * fix(node): implement createPrivateKey (#20981)
  * fix(node): inspect ancestor directories when resolving cjs re-
    exports during analysis (#21104)
  * fix(node): use closest package.json to resolve package.json imports (#21075)
  * fix(node/child_process): properly normalize stdio for 'spawnSync' (#21103)
  * fix(node/http): socket.setTimeout (#20930)
  * fix(test) reduce queue persistence test time from 60 secs to
    6 secs (#21142)
  * perf: lazy atexit setup (#21053)
  * perf: remove knowledge of promise IDs from deno (#21132)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1122961 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 34)
- update to 1.38.0:
  * feat(cron) implement Deno.cron() (#21019)
  * feat(doc): display non-exported types referenced in
    exported types (#20990)
  * feat(doc): improve non-exported diagnostic (#21033)
  * feat(doc): support multiple file entry (#21018)
  * feat(ext/kv): support key expiration in remote backend (#20688)
  * feat(ext/web): EventSource (#14730)
  * feat(ext/websocket): split websocket read/write halves (#20579)
  * feat(ext/websocket): use rustls-tokio-stream instead of
    tokio-rustls (#20518)
  * feat(ext/websocket): websockets over http2 (#21040)
  * feat(lsp): respect "typescript.preferences.quoteStyle" when
    deno.json is absent (#20891)
  * feat(task): add head command (#20998)
  * feat(unstable): deno run --env (#20300)
  * feat(unstable): ability to npm install then deno run main.ts (#20967)
  * feat(unstable): allow bare specifier for builtin node module (#20728)
  * feat: deno doc --lint (#21032)
  * feat: deno doc --html (#21015)
  * feat: deno run --unstable-hmr (#20876)
  * feat: disposable Deno resources (#20845)
  * feat: enable Array.fromAsync (#21048)
  * feat: granular --unstable-* flags (#20968)
  * feat: precompile JSX (#20962)
  * feat: rename Deno.Server to Deno.HttpServer (#20842)
  * fix(ext/ffi): use anybuffer for op_ffi_buf_copy_into (#21006)
  * fix(ext/http): patch regression in variadic args to serve handler (#20796)
  * fix(ext/node): adapt dynamic type checking to Node.js behavior (#21014)
  * fix(ext/node): process.argv0 (#20925)
  * fix(ext/node): tty streams extends net socket (#21026)
  * fix(lsp): don't commit registry completions on "/" (#20902)
  * fix(lsp): include mtime in tsc script version (#20911)
  * fix(lsp): show diagnostics for untitled files (#20916)
  * fix(node): resolve file.d specifiers in npm packages (#20918)
  * fix(polyfill): correctly handle flag when its equal 0 (#20953)
  * fix(repl): jsxImportSource was not working (#21049)
  * fix(repl): support transforming JSX/TSX (#20695)
  * fix(test): --junit-path should handle when the dir doesn't exist (#21044)
  * fix(unstable/byonm): improve error messages (#20987)
  * fix: add 'unstable' property to config json schema (#20984)
  * fix: add missing Object.groupBy() and Map.groupBy() types (#21050)
  * fix: implement node:tty (#20892)
  * fix: improved using declaration support (#20959)
  * perf(ext/streams): optimize streams (#20649)
  * perf(lsp): cleanup workspace settings scopes (#20937)
  * perf(lsp): fix redundant walk when collecting tsc code lenses (#20974)
  * perf: use deno_native_certs crate (#18072)
- rebase deno-disable-update-check.patch
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1117828 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 33)
- update to 1.37.2:
  * feat(ext/web): cancel support for TransformStream (#20815)
  * feat(lsp): jupyter notebook analysis (#20719)
  * feat(lsp): send "deno/didChangeDenoConfiguration" notifications (#20827)
  * feat(unstable): add Deno.jupyter.display API (#20819)
  * feat(unstable): add unix domain socket support to Deno.serve (#20759)
  * feat(unstable): Await return from Jupyter.display (#20807)
  * feat(unstable): send binary data with Deno.jupyter.broadcast (#20755)
  * feat(unstable): send Jupyter messaging metadata with
    Deno.  jupyter.broadcast (#20714)
  * feat(unstable): support Deno.test() (#20778)
  * fix(bench): use total time when measuring wavg (#20862)
  * fix(cli): Support using both --watch and --inspect at the
    same time (#20660)
  * fix(cli): panic with __runtime_js_sources (#20704)
  * fix(ext/ffi): use anybuffer for op_ffi_ptr_of (#20820)
  * fix(ext/formdata): support multiple headers in FormData (#20801)
  * fix(ext/http): Deno.Server should not be thenable (#20723)
  * fix(ext/kv): send queue wake messages accross different kv
    instances (#20465)
  * fix(ext/node): don't call undefined nextTick fn (#20724)
  * fix(ext/node): fix TypeError in Buffer.from with base64url
    encoding. (#20705)
  * fix(ext/node): implement uv.errname (#20785)
  * fix(ext/web): writability of ReadableStream.from (#20836)
  * fix(jupyter): Rename logo assets so they are discoverable (#20806)
  * fix(jupyter): keep this around (#20789)
  * fix(jupyter): more robust Deno.jupyter namespace (#20710)
  * fix(lsp): allow formatting vendor files (#20844)
  * fix(lsp): normalize "deno:" urls statelessly (#20867)
  * fix(lsp): percent-encode host in deno: specifiers (#20811)
  * fix(lsp): show diagnostics for type imports from untyped deps (#20780)
  * fix(node/buffer): utf8ToBytes should return a Uint8Array (#20769)
  * fix(node/http2): fixes to support grpc (#20712)
  * fix(npm): upgrade to deno_npm 0.15.2 (#20772)
  * fix(upgrade): use tar.exe to extract on Windows (#20711)
  * fix: define (#20804)
  * fix: upgrade dprint-plugin-markdown 0.16.2 and typescript 0.88.1 (#20879)
  * perf(ext/web): optimize DOMException (#20715)
  * perf(ext/web): optimize structuredClone without transferables (#20730)
  * perf(lsp): fix redundant file reads (#20802)
  * perf(lsp): optimize formatting minified files (#20829)
  * perf(node): use faster utf8 byte length in Buffer#from (#20746)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1105153 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 30)
- update to 1.36.2:
  * feat(ext/kv): key expiration (#20091)
  * feat(ext/node): eagerly bootstrap node (#20153)
  * feat(unstable): Improve FFI types (#20215)
  * fix(cli) error gracefully when script arg is not present and
    --v8-flags is present in deno run (#20145)
  * fix(cli): handle missing now field in cache (#20192)
  * fix(ext/fetch): clone second branch chunks in Body.clone() (#20057)
  * fix(ext/http): ensure request body resource lives as long as
    response is alive (#20206)
  * fix(ext/kv): retry transaction on SQLITE_BUSY errors (#20189)
  * fix(ext/net): implement a graceful error on an invalid SSL
    certificate (#20157)
  * fix(ext/node): allow for the reassignment of userInfo() on
    Windows (#20165)
  * fix(ext/node): support dictionary option in zlib init (#20035)
  * fix(lsp): pass fmt options to completion requests (#20184)
  * fix(node): don't print warning on process.dlopen.flags (#20124)
  * fix(node): implement TLSSocket._start (#20120)
  * fix(node): object keys in publicEncrypt (#20128)
  * fix(node/http): emit error when addr in use (#20200)
  * fix(npm): do not panic providing file url to require.resolve paths (#20182)
  * fix(require): use canonicalized path for loading content (#20133)
  * fix(runtime): navigator.userAgent in web worker (#20129)
  * fix(runtime): use host header for inspector websocket URL (#20171)
  * fix(test): JUnit reporter includes file, line and column attributes (#20174)
  * fix(unstable): disable importing from the vendor directory (#20067)
  * fix: release ReadeableStream in fetch (#17365)
  * perf(ext/event): always set timeStamp to 0 (#20191)
  * perf(ext/event): optimize Event constructor (#20181)
  * perf(ext/event): optimize addEventListener options converter (#20203)
  * perf(ext/event): replace ReflectHas with object lookup (#20190)
  * perf(ext/headers): cache iterableHeaders for immutable Headers (#20132)
  * perf(ext/headers): optimize getHeader using for loop (#20115)
  * perf(ext/headers): optimize headers iterable (#20155)
  * perf(ext/headers): use regex.test instead of .exec (#20125)
  * perf(ext/http): use ServeHandlerInfo class instead of object literal (#20122)
  * perf(ext/node): cache IncomingMessageForServer.headers (#20147)
  * perf(ext/node): optimize http headers (#20163)
  * perf(ext/request): optimize Request constructor (#20141)
  * perf(ext/request): optimize validate and normalize HTTP method (#20143)
  * perf(ext/urlpattern): optimize URLPattern.exec (#20170)
  * perf(http): use Cow<[u8]> for setting header (#20112)
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1103385 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 29)
- update to 1.36.1:
  * feat(unstable): rename deno_modules to vendor (#20065)
  * fix(ext/abort): trigger AbortSignal events in correct order (#20095)
  * fix(ext/file): resolve unresolved Promise in (#20039)
  * fix(ext/http): serveHttp brotli compression level should be
    fastest (#20058)
  * fix(ext/http): unify default gzip compression level (#20050)
  * fix(ext/timers): some timers are not resolved (#20055)
  * fix(fmt): do not insert expr stmt leading semi-colon in do
    while stmt body (#20093)
  * fix(node): polyfill process.title (#20044)
  * fix(node): repl._builtinLibs (#20046)
  * fix(node/async_hooks): dont pop async context frame if stack
    if empty (#20077)
  * fix(test): handle ASCII escape chars in test name (#20081)
  * fix(test): make test runner work when global setTimeout is 
    replaced (#20052)
  * fix(test): use only a single timeout for op sanitizers (#20042)
  * fix(unstable): vendor cache override should handle forbidden
    windows directory names (#20069)
  * fix(unstable): vendor cache should support adding files to
    hashed directories (#20070)
  * perf(ext/headers): use .push loop instead of spread operator (#20108)
- bump rusty_v8 to 0.75.0
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1103032 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 28)
- update to 1.36.0:
  * feat(bench): add BenchContext::start() and BenchContext::end() (#18734)
  * feat(bench): print iter/s in the report (#19994)
  * feat(cli): Add dot test reporter (#19804)
  * feat(cli): Adding JUnit test reports (#19747)
  * feat(compile): Add --no-terminal to compile command (#17991)
  * feat(ext/http): Upgrade to hyper1.0-rc4 (#19987)
  * feat(ext/websocket): allow HTTP(S) protocol in URL (#19862)
  * feat(node): add polyfill for node:test module (#20002)
  * feat(node/os): implement getPriority, setPriority & userInfo (#19370)
  * feat(npm): support running non-bin scripts in npm pkgs via deno run (#19975)
  * feat(permissions): add "--deny-*" flags (#19070)
  * feat(unstable): optional deno_modules directory (#19977)
  * feat(unstable/lsp): support navigating to deno_modules folder (#20030)
  * feat: Deno.createHttpClient allowHost (#19689)
  * fix(Deno.serve): accessing .url on cloned request throws (#19869)
  * fix(bench): iter/s calculation (#20016)
  * fix(check): should bust check cache when json module or npm
    resolution changes (#19941)
  * fix(ext/compression): throw TypeError on corrupt input (#19979)
  * fix(ext/fs): fix MaybeArc when not sync_fs (#19950)
  * fix(ext/node): fix import json using npm specifier (#19723)
  * fix(lsp): handle import mapped node: specifier (#19956)
  * fix(node): node:test reports correct location (#20025)
  * fix(node): package path not exported error - add if types
    resolution was occurring (#19963)
  * fix(npm): improve declaration resolution for filename with
    different extensions (#19966)
  * fix(repl): highlight from ident in import from or export from (#20023)
  * fix(test): request cloning should throw if body stream is locked (#19990)
  * fix: call setIsTrusted for generated events (MessageEvent) (#19919)
  * fix: deno diagnostic - clarify where to put triple-slash directive (#20009)
  * fix: do not include jsx without @ts-check in tsc roots (#19964)
  * fix: error on invalid & unsupported jsx compiler options (#19954)
  * fix: make "suggest.autoImports" to switch completions from 
    external modules (#19845)
  * fix: regression in workers using dynamic imports (#20006)
  * fix: retry module download once if server errored (#17252)
  * perf(ext/ffi): Avoid receiving on FFI async work channel when no
  * UnsafeCallback exists (#19454)
  * perf: faster node globals access in cjs (#19997)
- includes 1.35.3:
  * feat(runtime): - Use KERN_OSRELEASE on {Free,Open}BSD (#19849)
  * fix(cli): build script panics on musl due to glibc_version check (#19913)
  * fix(cli): output file handling in deno upgrade (#18994)
  * fix(cli/init): update to assert/mod.ts (#19924)
  * fix(cli/test): fix clear screen behavior when run deno test --watch (#19888)
  * fix(ext/http): Error on deprecated/unavailable features (#19880)
  * fix(ext/http): Quietly ignore invalid status codes (#19936)
  * fix(ext/net): fix string port number handling in listen (#19921)
  * fix(ext/node): inspector with seggregated globals (#19917)
  * fix(lint): allow to use --rules with --rules-tags (#19754)
  * fix(lsp): auto-discover deno.json in more cases (#19894)
  * fix(lsp): handle watched files events from symlinked config files (#19898)
  * fix(node): add writable and readable fields to FakeSocket (#19931)
  * fix(node/http): add encrypted field to FakeSocket (#19886)
  * fix(node_compat): Wrap require resolve exports in try catch block (#19592)
  * fix(task): ensure quoted strings are maintained mid-word (#19944)
  * fix: deno info should respect import map (#19781)
  * perf(lsp): format in a blocking task (#19883)
  * perf: cache node resolution when accesing a global (#19930)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1099962 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 27)
- update to 1.35.2:
  * fix(bench): run warmup benchmark to break JIT bias (#19844)
  * fix(ext/node): check if resource can be used with
    write_vectored (#19868)
  * fix(ext/node): fix stream/promises export (#19820)
  * fix(ext/node): properly segregate node globals (#19307)
  * fix(napi): update env_test.js (#19876)
  * fix(node): add process.dlopen API (#19860)
  * fix(node): improve error message requiring non-npm es module (#19856)
  * fix(node): improve require esm error messages (#19853)
  * fix(node/http): call callback after request is sent (#19871)
  * fix(node/net): Server connection callback include socket
    value (#19779)
  * fix(npm): improve error message importing non-existent file
    in a node_modules npm package (#19835)
  * fix(npm): improve error message on directory import in npm
    package (#19538)
  * fix(npm): support dynamic import of Deno TS from npm package (#19858)
  * fix(runtime): print process name in case of spawn error (#19855)
  * fix(tsc): more informative diagnostic when Deno does not exist (#19825)
  * fix(vendor): do not panic vendoring with jsxImportSource and
    no jsx files (#19837)
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1098439 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 26)
- update to 1.35.1:
  * fix(ext/http): Use brotli compression params (#19758)
  * fix(lsp): exclude files in deno.json "exclude" (#19791)
  * fix(lsp): remove quotes and period surrounding specifier in
    uncached messages (#19794)
  * fix(lsp): stop diagnostics flickering (#19803)
  * fix(node/http): add destroy to FakeSocket (#19796)
  * fix(node/http): allow callback in first argument of end call (#19778)
  * fix(node/http): server use FakeSocket and add end method (#19660)
  * fix(vendor): support import mapped jsxImportSource (#19724)
  * fix: remove unstable check for Deno.listenTls#alpnProtocols (#19732)
  * perf(ext/node): native vectored write for server streams (#19752)
  * perf(ext/node): optimize net streams (#19678)
  * perf(ext/websocket): optimize server websocket js (#19719)
  * perf(node/async_hooks): optimize AsyncLocalStorage (#19729)
  * perf: add setup cache for node_modules folder (#19787)
Fabian Vogt's avatar Fabian Vogt (favogt_factory) accepted request 1097026 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 25)
- update to 1.35.0:
  * feat: add more Deno.errors classes (#19514)
  * feat: ReadableStream.from (#19446)
  * feat: stabilize 'alpnProtocols' setting (#19704)
  * feat: Stabilize Deno.serve() API (#19141)
  * feat: upgrade to TypeScript 5.1.6 (#19695)
  * feat(ext/fetch): add Headers#getSetCookie (#13542)
  * feat(ext/url): URLSearchParams two-argument delete() and has() (#19654)
  * feat(lock): skip saving declaration files in the lockfile (#19447)
  * feat(lsp): basic support of auto-imports for npm specifiers (#19675)
  * feat(lsp): support import maps in quick fix and auto-imports (#19692)
  * fix(cli): Fix the bug where the command description is not
    displayed. (#19604)
  * fix: add exactOptionalPropertyTypes for configuration file
    JSON schema (#19647)
  * fix: bump default @types/node version range to 18.16.19 (#19706)
  * fix(cli): don't store blob and data urls in the module cache (#18581)
  * fix(cli/napi): napi_get_buffer_info accepts ArrayBufferView
    not just Uint8Array.(#19551)
  * fix(cli/napi): property with getter/setter always failed (#19562)
  * fix(console): correct the parseCssColor algorithm (#19645)
  * fix(dts): make globals available on globalThis (#19438)
  * fix(ext/crypto): Fix WebCrypto API's deriveKey (#19545)
  * fix(ext/fs): fix boolean checks in JS parser (#19586)
  * fix(ext/http): Catch errors in eager stream timeout to avoid
    uncaught promise rejections (#19691)
  * fix(ext/kv): expose Deno.AtomicOperation (#19674)
  * fix(ext/node): Define performance.timeOrigin as getter property (#19714)
  * fix(ext/node): ignore cancelled timer when node timer refresh (#19637)
  * fix(ext/node): support brotli APIs (#19223)
  * fix(ext/websocket): Ensure that errors are available after
    async response returns (#19642)
  * fix(node/http): add setKeepAlive to FakeSocket (#19659)
  * fix(npm): escape export identifier in double quoted string (#19694)
  * fix(npm): handle more reserved words as cjs exports (#19672)
  * fix(npm): support siblings that are peer dependencies of each
    other (#19657)
- remove upstreamed deno-pull-19537.patch
- rebase deno-rm-upgrade-cmd.patch
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 44
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