Revisions of keepass

Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1178164 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 27)
- Update to 2.57
  * New Features:
    - Added option 'Prevent certain screen captures' (in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Security', turned off by default); note that this may also prevent legitimate other software (remote desktop solutions, accessibility tools such as screen magnifiers, etc.) from seeing KeePass windows.
    - Added the new option 'Prevent certain screen captures' in the 'Enforce Options (All Users)' dialog (in 'Tools' → 'Advanced Tools' → 'Enforce Options').
    - Key files can be created on the secure desktop now.
    - Added shortcut keys for the 'Copy Group (Encrypted)' (Ctrl+Shift+C) and 'Paste Group' (Ctrl+Shift+V) commands.
    - Ctrl+Shift+V can now be used for pasting entries while the group tree has the input focus and vice versa.
    - Added 'More' button in the icon picker dialog, which shows a menu that provides two commands: 'Rename' and 'Export'; the menu is also shown as context menu of the custom icons list.
    - When importing an icon, the file name without extension is now used as icon name.
    - Added option 'Remember password hiding setting' in the main window column configuration dialog (turned off by default).
    - Some error messages now contain the type and the HResult of the exception that occured.
    - Some error messages are now more detailed when running KeePass with the '-debug' command line option.
    - Bitwarden JSON import: two-digit years are now converted to four-digit years.
    - Added UIFlags bit for automatically adjusting weak key transformation settings to the current default values (without a confirmation dialog).
    - Added DPI detection on Unix-like systems.
  * Improvements:
    - Databases are now always saved in the KDBX 4/4.1 file format; if you need a KDBX 3.1 file (e.g. for compatibility with an old app), perform an export: main menu 'File' → 'Export' → format 'KeePass KDBX (2.34, Old Format)'.
    - In an auto-type error dialog, the sequence is now only displayed if KeePass has been started with the '-debug' command line option.
    - Increased maximum length of the main window title.
    - Improved handling of shortcut keys in the main window.
    - Improved entry data exchange menu update performance.
    - After moving a group, KeePass now ensures that the group is visible.
    - Improved database save confirmation dialog text.
    - When showing the master key creation/change dialog on the secure desktop, trying to perform an operation that is not supported on the secure desktop now results in a simple error message, i.e. it is not possible anymore to choose to cancel the dialog and perform the operation on the normal desktop; this avoids certain accidental data loss scenarios.
    - Various improvements in the simple file browser dialog (for the secure desktop).
    - While a hot key control of the options dialog is focused, dialog-specific keyboard shortcuts are now disabled.
    - Changed the 'MAC Address' password generator profile such that it always generates a unicast, locally administered MAC address in the SLAP administratively assigned quadrant.
    - In the icon picker dialog: moved the 'Export' command into the 'More'/context menu of the custom icons list.
    - Improved error messages for exception chains.
    - Improved serialization, deserialization and conversion of nullable booleans.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1144043 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 26)
- Update to 2.56
  * New Features:
    + Added search box in the options dialog (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F).
    + When pressing the Enter key in the group tree of the main window, the entries of the group are displayed now (this can be useful for instance when the entry list is displaying search results).
    + Added 'More' button on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog, which shows a menu that provides the following two new commands: 'Select All Historic Entries' and 'Delete All Historic Entries'; the menu is also shown as context menu of the history entries list.
    + Added Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut for the 'Select All Historic Entries' command in the entry dialog (the history entries list must have the input focus).
    + Added workaround for Mono window size bug.
    + Added accessibility help page.
  * Improvements:
    + In the main window, the entry list is now updated when right-clicking onto a group in the group tree.
    + Expanding/collapsing a group in the group tree of the main window does not select it anymore.
    + The option 'Remember password hiding setting in the main window' is now turned off by default.
    + In the auto-type entry selection dialog, comments ({C:...} placeholders) are now removed from the values in the 'Sequence' column if the 'Sequence - Comments' column is displayed.
    + The view is now restored after syntax highlighting in the sequence box of the auto-type association dialog.
    + Reduced flickering in the sequence box of the auto-type association dialog.
    + Improved performance of Spr compilations of certain texts.
    + Minor process memory protection improvement for the password generator.
    + Minor process memory protection improvements for some report dialogs.
    + Improved thread safety of message box management.
    + Improved UUID object implementation.
    + Collection equality testing improvements (for plugins).
    + Various code optimizations.
    + Minor other improvements.
  * Bugfixes:
    + In the main window, the entry list is now updated correctly when performing overlapping keypresses into the group tree.
    + When cancelling a group drag&drop operation, the group selection is now restored correctly.
Ana Guerrero's avatar Ana Guerrero (anag+factory) accepted request 1117671 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 25)
- Update to 2.55
  * New Features:
    + Added 'Compare Entries' command (in the main menu 'Entry' → 'Compare'), which compares the two entries that are selected in the main entry list.
    + Added 'Mark Entry for Comparison' and 'Compare Entry with Marked Entry' commands (in the main menu 'Entry' → 'Compare'); these two commands support comparing two entries that are stored in different databases (opened in tabs).
    + Report dialogs can now be closed by pressing the Esc key.
    + Added option 'Show warning when the key transformation settings are weak' (in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Security', turned on by default).
    + The options in the entry/group duplication dialog are remembered now.
    + The options in the HTML export/print dialog are remembered now.
    + In dialogs that have a 'Do not show this dialog again' option and multiple commands, the command that will always be used when turning on the option is now mentioned in the dialog.
    + Added 'More information' link in the dialog that is displayed when KeePass automatically disables enforcement-requiring items.
    + Added {NEWPASSWORD:/#/P/O/} placeholder, which generates a new password for the current entry using the specified pattern P and the option(s) O.
    + Added accessible names for some controls (custom keystroke sequence edit control in the auto-type item dialog, filter edit control in report dialogs, a few controls in the password generator dialog; if the option 'Optimize for screen reader' is turned on).
    + Added 'MasterKeyExpiryForce' configuration setting.
    + Enhanced Google Chrome passwords CSV import module to support the new format.
    + Enhanced mSecure CSV import module to support the new format.
    + Enhanced 1Password 1PUX import module to support the new password field/type.
  * Improvements:
    + The toolbar in report dialogs is now a tab stop.
    + Increased default number of AES-KDF iterations.
    + Improved syntax highlighting for {CLIPBOARD-SET:...} placeholders (in the auto-type item editing dialog).
    + The node mode of the configuration element '/Configuration/Meta/PreferUserConfiguration' is now 'None' by default.
    + Improved INI loading performance.
    + Improved data size formatting.
    + Renamed value columns/commands in the history entry comparison dialog from 'A'/'B' to '1'/'2'.
    + Improved process memory protection of history entry comparisons.
    + Improved process memory protection of 'CryptoRandomStream' objects.
    + Improved thread safety of process memory protection on Unix-like systems.
    + Various UI text improvements.
    + Various code optimizations.
    + Minor other improvements.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1090979 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 24)
- Update to 2.54
  * Security:
    + Improved process memory protection of secure edit controls (CVE-2023-32784, boo#1211397).
  * New Features:
    + Triggers, global URL overrides, password generator profiles and a few more settings are now stored in the enforced configuration file.
    + Added dialog 'Enforce Options (All Users)' (menu 'Tools' → 'Advanced Tools' → 'Enforce Options'), which facilitates storing certain options in the enforced configuration file.
    + In report dialogs, passwords (and other sensitive data) are now hidden using asterisks by default (if hiding is activated in the main window); the hiding can be toggled using the new '***' button in the toolbar.
    + The 'Print' command in most report dialogs now requires the 'Print' application policy flag, and the master key must be entered if the 'Print - No Key Repeat' application policy flag is deactivated.
    + The 'Export' command in most report dialogs now requires the 'Export' application policy flag, and the master key must be entered.
    + Single line edit dialogs now support hiding the value using asterisks.
    + Commands that require elevation now have a shield icon like on Windows.
    + TrlUtil: added 'Move Selected Unused Text to Dialog Control' command.
  * Improvements:
    * The content mode of the configuration elements '/Configuration/Application/TriggerSystem', '/Configuration/Integration/UrlSchemeOverrides' and '/Configuration/PasswordGenerator/UserProfiles' is now 'Replace' by default.
    * The built-in override for the 'ssh' URI scheme is now deactivated by default (it can be activated in the 'URL Overrides' dialog).
    * When opening the password generator dialog without a derived profile, the '(Automatically generated passwords for new entries)' profile is now selected by default, if profiles are enabled (otherwise the default profile is used).
    * The clipboard workarounds are now disabled by default (they are not needed anymore on most systems).
    * Improved clipboard clearing.
    * Improved starting of an elevated process.
  * Bugfixes:
    + In report dialogs, the 'Print' and 'Export' commands now always use the actual data (in previous versions, asterisks were printed/exported when the application policy flag 'Unhide Passwords' was turned off).
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1064392 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 23)
- Update to 2.53.1
  * When testing a KDF ('Test' button in the database settings dialog), KeePass now spawns a child process that performs the KDF computation (which allows to cancel the test more cleanly in the case of excessive parameters; security is unaffected, because dummy data is used for the test).
  * Removed the 'Export - No Key Repeat' application policy flag; KeePass now always asks for the current master key when trying to export data.
  * Minor other improvements.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1057855 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 22)
- Update to 2.53
  * New Features:
    + For each entry listed on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog, the fields modified with respect to the previous entry are displayed.
    + Added 'Compare' button on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog; when two (not necessarily consecutive) history entries are selected, clicking the button shows a detailed comparison (with values, etc.).
    + When editing an entry, the history entry list of the entry dialog now contains an entry called 'Dialog (unsaved)', which represents all data entered in the current dialog (other tab pages).
    + When editing an entry, the history entry list of the entry dialog now contains an entry called 'Current (TIME)', which is the entry that is currently stored in the database (without any changes made in the current dialog).
    + Added 'History' command in the 'Find' main menu; it lists all entry modifications (sorted by time).
    + Added filter box in most report dialogs (last modified entries, history, large entries, similar password clusters, password quality, history entry comparison, database file search, ...).
    + Added 'Print' button in most report dialogs.
    + Added 'Export' button in most report dialogs; supported formats are CSV and HTML.
    + Added {EDGE} placeholder, which is replaced by the executable path of the new (Chromium-based) Microsoft Edge, if installed.
    + Added URL override suggestion for Microsoft Edge in private mode in the URL override suggestions drop-down list of the entry dialog.
    + Added optional built-in global URL overrides for opening HTTP/HTTPS URLs with Microsoft Edge in private mode.
    + When trying to rearrange entries while automatic sorting is activated, KeePass now asks whether to deactivate automatic sorting.
    + Added access keys in the tags button drop-down menu of the entry/group dialogs.
    + Added access keys in the 'View' → 'Sort By' menu.
    + Added access keys in the entry templates menu.
    + Added access keys in the 'Perform Auto-Type' menu (which is displayed if the 'Show additional auto-type menu commands' option is turned on).
    + Added {HMACOTP} and {TIMEOTP} in the 'Perform Auto-Type' menu.
    + Added keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T for the 'Copy Time-Based OTP' entry data command.
    + Added keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T for the 'Show Time-Based OTP' entry data command.
    + Enhanced Password Depot XML import module to support the new format (added support for the new node names, group icons, recycle bin, tags, favorites, auto-type delay conversion, history, enhanced icon mapping, enhanced date/time parsing, ...).
    + Added border for headings in HTML exports/printouts.
    + Added support for running KeePass in FIPS mode.
  * Improvements:
    + History entries listed on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog are now sorted from newest to oldest.
    + The icons in the list on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog now indicate the type of the entry.
    + History entry controls of the entry dialog are now disabled when creating a new entry.
    + The history entry 'Restore' button is now disabled when any change has been made in the current dialog.
    + The 'Password modified' time is now updated immediately when deleting a history entry.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1002500 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 21)
- Update to 2.52
  * New Features:
    + Added 'Copy Initial Password' command in the tools menu of the entry dialog; it copies (to the clipboard) the password that was current when the dialog was opened.
    + When multiple entries are selected (containing at least one attachment), the number of attachments is now displayed in the 'Attachments' submenu of the entry menu.
    + Added option 'Alt. item background color' (supporting the states 'Off', 'On, default color' and 'On, custom color'); this combines the previous two options 'Use alternating item background colors' and 'Custom alt. item color'.
    + Comment placeholders ({C:...}) may now contain balanced braces.
    + In the auto-type entry selection dialog, values in the 'Sequence - Comments' column are dereferenced now.
    + The time when the password of an entry was last changed is now displayed in the entry dialog on the 'History' tab page.
    + Added support for importing 1Password 8.7 1PUX files.
    + Added support for importing Key Folder 1.22 XML files.
    + Sticky Password XML import: added support for importing groups and expiry dates.
    + Steganos Password Manager CSV import: added support for the new encoding of double quotes.
    + Bitwarden JSON import: time-based one-time password generator settings are converted automatically now.
    + KeePass now checks the 'KeePass.exe.config' file and shows a warning message when finding a problem.
    + For development builds: added command for showing GC information.
    + Plugins can now load the header of a database file more easily.
    + Plugins can now subscribe to a master key change event.
    + TrlUtil: added workaround for .NET tab control focus bug.
  * Improvements:
    + Moved the command 'Save Attached File(s) To' into the 'Attachments' submenu of the entry menu and renamed it to 'Save File(s) To'.
    + The command for saving attached files is now available only if at least one of the selected entries has at least one attachment.
    + The {APPACTIVATE ...} auto-type command now ignores the options 'Cancel auto-type when the target window changes' and 'Cancel auto-type when the target window title changes'.
    + {APPACTIVATE ...} auto-type command: if the specified window does not exist or cannot be focused, auto-type is aborted now.
    + Unified creation of fields with indices.
    + Improved database modification state and UI updating after imports/synchronizations.
    + In the master key creation/prompt dialogs, the [OK] button is now disabled when checking the 'Key file/provider' check box and selecting '(None)' in the combo box.
    + Improved drop-down menu width adjustment for certain combo boxes in the options dialog.
    + Improved hashing performance of protected binaries, UUIDs, ...
    + Performance improvements related to empty arrays.
    + Improved Mono framework version detection.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 892290 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 17)
- Update to 2.48.1
  * Improved compatibility with certain plugins/ports.
  * In the main entry list, new-line characters in text inserted by a placeholder are now filtered.
  * Minor other improvements.

- Update to 2.48
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 891910 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 16)
- Update to 2.47
  * New Features:
    + New KDBX 4.1 file format, which supports various new features (listed below).
    + Added support for group tags (KDBX 4.1).
    + In the entry/group dialogs, there now is a button to show a menu for adding/removing existing tags.
    + If an entry/group inherits a tag from a parent group, a link is displayed in the entry/group dialog to show the parent groups and their tags.
    + Added option in the entry dialog for disabling/enabling the password quality estimation for the current entry (KDBX 4.1).
    + If the password quality estimation is disabled for an entry, the entry is now excluded from password quality reports (menu 'Find' → 'Password Quality').
    + When moving an entry/group into a different group (e.g. into the recycle bin), the previous parent group is remembered now (KDBX 4.1, not enforcing).
    + Added command 'Move to Previous Parent Group' (in the 'Rearrange' popup menu; if the command will move all selected entries/groups out of the recycle bin, a '(Restore)' suffix is appended to the command name; if at least one entry/group will be moved into/within the recycle bin, a confirmation dialog is displayed).
    + Renaming a list view item (if supported, e.g. a file attached to an entry) can now be initiated by pressing the F2 key.
    + Each custom icon may now have a name, and its last modification time is remembered (KDBX 4.1).
    + In the icon picker dialog, a custom icon can now be renamed (click on an already selected name or press the F2 key).
    + In the icon picker dialog, the dimensions and the size of a custom icon are now displayed in a tooltip.
    + The UUID and the deletion time of a deleted custom icon are remembered now, and this information is used in order to delete the custom icon during a synchronization (if the last modification time is older than the deletion time).
    + Added built-in URL override for associating the 'ssh' URL scheme with 'SSH.exe' (OpenSSH, included in Windows 10; activatable/deactivatable in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Integration' → button 'URL Overrides').
    + Added support for loading images with Exif orientation tags.
    + Enhanced the LastPass import module to support CSV files created by the latest versions.
    + Enhanced the nPassword import module to import group tags.
    + The last modification time of a database-specific custom data item (by a plugin/port) is now saved (KDBX 4.1).
    + When synchronizing databases, database-specific custom data items (by plugins/ports) are now merged based on their last modification times.
    + Added support for loading KDBX 4 files created by other applications that do not perform a binary content deduplication.
    + Added workaround for .NET/Windows TopMost/WS_EX_TOPMOST desynchronization bug.
  * Improvements:
    + Various user interface improvements in the group dialog (moved the notes box to the first tab page, moved the auto-type behavior option to the auto-type tab, ...).
    + Tags are sorted naturally now.
    + Improved tag handling performance.
    + Various user interface improvements in the icon picker dialog.
    + The temporary icon that represents multiple icons (when editing multiple entries at once) is now named '(Multiple values)'.
    + Improved custom icon handling performance.
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 861997 from Matthias Bach's avatar Matthias Bach (theMarix) (revision 15)
- Update to 2.47
  * New Features:
    + In the 'Find' dialog, search parameters can now be saved as profiles; the profiles can be accessed quickly via the main menu ('Find' → 'Search Profiles') and the group context menu.
    + Added search mode 'XPath expression' in the 'Find' dialog, which creates a KeePass 2.x XML DOM of the current database in memory and finds entries using the specified XPath expression.
    + Added option 'History' in the 'Find' dialog, which includes history entries in searches.
    + Added 'Help' button in the 'Find' dialog.
    + Added auto-type matching option 'Consider similar dashes as identical' (in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Advanced', turned on by default).
    + Added commands 'Copy Group (Encrypted)', 'Copy Group (Unencrypted)' and 'Paste Group' (in the menu 'Group' → 'Data Exchange').
    + When loading/saving a configuration file fails, an error message is displayed now, and in certain cases a backup of the configuration file is created (the path is mentioned in the error message).
    + Added configuration option for saving the configuration (turned on by default).
    + On the 'Security' tab page of the options dialog, two links have been added, which open help pages for experts and administrators.
    + Added {TIMEOTP} placeholder, which generates a time-based one-time password (as specified in RFC 6238).
    + Enhanced XML key file format (added hash that allows to verify the integrity of the key; values are now encoded using hexadecimal characters in order to improve the readability).
    + Added command 'Print Key File Backup' (in 'File' → 'Print').
    + In the dialog that asks whether to print an emergency sheet, there is now an option 'Also print a key file backup' (on Windows), if the master key contains a key file.
    + Added command 'Create Key File' (in 'Tools' → 'Advanced Tools'), which shows a dialog for creating a new key file (random key) or for recreating a key file from a printed backup.
    + Added Argon2id key derivation function.
    + Added support for importing Dashlane 6.2039.0 JSON files.
    + Dashlane and RoboForm import: domains are now mapped to HTTPS URLs (instead of HTTP URLs).
    + Added option 'Use a different master key' in the import/export dialog (tab page 'Options').
    + Added option 'Additionally export parent groups' in the import/export dialog (tab page 'Options').
    + Added options 'Open exported file (with associated application)' and 'Show exported file (with file manager)' in the import/export dialog (tab page 'Options').
    + The 'About' dialog now shows whether KeePass is currently running as 32- or 64-bit application.
    + Plugins can now disable/enable specific Mono workarounds.
    + Added workaround for Mono URL opening bug.
    + Added workaround for Mono HTML document opening bug.
  * Improvements:
    + Improved performance of certain searches.
    + Various user interface improvements in the search dialog.
    + Improved keyboard shortcut handling (e.g. Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab now also work when the quick search box is focused).
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 27
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