
Request 1128719 accepted

32bit version companion of the 64bit Viking package

Ralf Habacker's avatar

Please remove this obsolete line

Ralf Habacker's avatar

Please remove this line. The replacement macro on obs is %_mingw32_package_header_debug and should be placed before the BuildArch: tag, see https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/windows:mingw:win64/mingw64-viking/mingw64-viking.spec?expand=1 line 54

Ralf Habacker's avatar

Please add %_mingw32_debug_package after the %description tag to get a debug package

Request History
Rob Norris's avatar

robbieonsea created request

32bit version companion of the 64bit Viking package

Ralf Habacker's avatar

rhabacker accepted request

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