This request is superseded by
request 1134454
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Request 1134279 superseded
- One of the modules requires cmake 3.21, declare the dependency in spec file
- Created by michals
- In state superseded
- Package maintainer: ecsos
- Supersedes 1134206
- Superseded by 1134454
source maintainer
Why it would be 3.27.6?
It declares dependency on 3.21, and fails the build when not met.
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Request History
michals created request
- One of the modules requires cmake 3.21, declare the dependency in spec file
ecsos declined request
Again. When upstream use 3.27.6.
And Tumbleweed use newer.
Show me the error in build log first.
michals reopened request
Can't show you the error when OBS scheduler does not schedule, sorry.
superseded by 1134454
calibre-7.2.0/src/calibre/headless/CMakeLists.txt:cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21)
The ARM scheduler works so there it is:
Okay. You are right. But please use version 3.27.6 Upstream is not entirely stringent here. There is another file that contains all the sources and dependencies that upstream uses. It contains the version 3.27.6. And please note which module "headless QPA plugin" requires this version. So please enter this version, adjust the text in the changes, make a new request and I accept.