Request 1160895 accepted
- Update to 1.0.4
* new ao audio backend
* new SDL2 video/input/audio backend
* fixed cpu cycle accuracy for all CPU ops
* backported fix for some opcodes
* fixed issues with window in NBA hoopz
* added support for .xz compressed roms
* added support for original BIOS
- Switchted to an active fork: https://github.com/rofl0r/gnuboy
- Run spec-cleaner
Request History
Kieltux created request
- Update to 1.0.4
* new ao audio backend
* new SDL2 video/input/audio backend
* fixed cpu cycle accuracy for all CPU ops
* backported fix for some opcodes
* fixed issues with window in NBA hoopz
* added support for .xz compressed roms
* added support for original BIOS
- Switchted to an active fork: https://github.com/rofl0r/gnuboy
- Run spec-cleaner
kwk accepted request
lgtm, thanks !
@Ulih: review reminder