
Request 599221 accepted

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Ismail Dönmez's avatar

@ecsos Can you please also submit to PackageHub?

Christian Wittmer's avatar

what is wrong with /usr/bin/env bash ?

Eric Schirra's avatar
author source maintainer

This change was made from package maintainer before me. I have only correct his sed in spec, because he change /usr/bin/env bash to /usr/bin/bash. And this does not exist. So the package was not installable. I mean he does this because of rpmlint warnings in factory. This errors rise up also for perl, php, python and so on when exist something with env in bash.

Javier Llorente's avatar

My bad. Thanks for fixing it, ecsos. Yep, I wanted to have 0 errors/warnings on this build. Sorry for the mistake.

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


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cycle and install check passed

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namtrac accepted review

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