
Request 605487 accepted

- Use correct name for spec and changes files

- Update to version 1.1.1+git.20180308:
* Add testing of CMake exported targets
* [readme] Update AppVeyor badge
* Minor AppVeyor configuration cleanup
* Fix bug in dlerror second consecutive call
* [appveyor] Test the library using Visual Studio 15
* [README] Fix AppVeyor badge
* Document how to use the library when using CMake
* Mention the possibility of defining CMAKE_DL_LIBS
* #include

- initial package

Request History
Martin Hauke's avatar

mnhauke created request

- Use correct name for spec and changes files

- Update to version 1.1.1+git.20180308:
* Add testing of CMake exported targets
* [readme] Update AppVeyor badge
* Minor AppVeyor configuration cleanup
* Fix bug in dlerror second consecutive call
* [appveyor] Test the library using Visual Studio 15
* [README] Fix AppVeyor badge
* Document how to use the library when using CMake
* Mention the possibility of defining CMAKE_DL_LIBS
* #include

- initial package

Ismail Dönmez's avatar

namtrac accepted request

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